
Department of Organization

  • Organizations, Markets and Governance (OMG)
Professor with special responsibilities

Room: KIL/14.A-3.49
, Mobile:
+45 4185 2189
E-mail: dw.ioa@cbs.dk
I am interested in how changing forms of capital in the international political economy emerge, and are negotiated and governed. My research has focused on these processes principally in the contexts of innovations in finance and multinational corporate organization.  I was co-author of European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Program project, - ‘COFFERS - Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators’ and was a researcher on the ERC Advanced Grant, ‘CORPLINK - Corporate Arbitrage and CPL Maps: Hidden Structures of Control in the Global Economy’. I am researcher on the Independent Research Fund Denmark grant, ‘Time Mirror – Accounting for the Green Transition’. ‘Global Wealth Chains: Asset Strategies in the World Economy’ and ‘Global tax Battles: The Fight to Govern Corporate and Elite Wealth’ (both with Leonard Seabrooke) are out with Oxford University Press in 2022. I direct the Masters Programme, Public Management and Social Development at the Sino-Danish Centre in Beijing.
Primary research areas
  • International Political Economy
  • Global Wealth Chains
  • International taxation
  • International finance
  • Accounting for green transition


Curriculum Vitae
Social media
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Business and Global Governance, Masters Public Management and Social Development, Sino-Danish Centre
Masters Thesis, Masters Public Management and Social Development, Sino-Danish Centre
Denmark in Comparative Perspective, Bachelors European Business, Copenhagen Business School

Interested in supervising political economy projects in the areas of: Global wealth chains, international finance, international taxation, green transition, activism for economic justice, China’s political economy.

Selected publications
Grasten, M., Seabrooke, L., & Wigan, D. (2021). Legal Affordances in Global Wealth Chains: How Platform Firms Use Legal and Spatial Scaling. Environment and Planning A. 
Christensen, R.C., Seabrooke, L. and Wigan, D. (2020). Professional Action in global wealth chains. Regulation & Governance
Baker, Andrew and Duncan Wigan (2017). Constructing and Contesting City of London Power: NGOs and the emergence of Noisier Financial Politics. Economy & Society 46(2): 185-210.   
Seabrooke, Leonard and Duncan Wigan (2017). The Governance of Global Wealth Chains. Review of International Political Economy, 24(1): 1-26.
Bryan, Dick, Mike Rafferty and Duncan Wigan (2017). Capital unchained: finance, intangible assets and the double life of capital in the offshore world. Review of International Political Economy, 24(1):  56-86. 


Publications sorted by:
Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Getting Action for Global Economic Justice : The Micro-foundations of Transnational Activism.
In: Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, 7.2024, p. 1313-1334
Journal article > peer review
Jennifer Bair; Stefano Ponte; Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Entangled Chains of Global Value and Wealth
In: Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 30, No. 6, 12.2023, p. 2423-2439
Journal article > peer review
Maj Grasten; Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Legal Affordances in Global Wealth Chains : How Platform Firms Use Legal and Spatial Scaling.
In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 55, No. 4, 6.2023, p. 1062-1079
Journal article > peer review
Dick Bryan; Michael Rafferty; Duncan Wigan / The Many Meanings of Capital in IPE
In: The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy. ed. /Jon C. W. Pevehouse; Leonard Seabrooke. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2023
Book chapter > peer review
Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Acknowledgements
In: Global Wealth Chains: Asset Strategies in the World Economy. . ed. /Leonard Seabrooke ; Duncan Wigan. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, p. v-vii
Book chapter
Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Articulating Global Wealth Chains
In: Global Wealth Chains: Asset Strategies in the World Economy. . ed. /Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, p. 279-297
Book chapter > peer review
Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Asset Strategies in Global Wealth Chains
In: Global Wealth Chains: Asset Strategies in the World Economy. . ed. /Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, p. 1-29
Book chapter > peer review
Leonard Seabrooke (Editor) ; Duncan Wigan (Author) / Global Wealth Chains : Asset Strategies in the World Economy.
Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, 303 p.
Anthology > peer review
Dick Bryan; Mike Rafferty; Duncan Wigan / Intangible Capital
In: Global Wealth Chains: Asset Strategies in the World Economy. . ed. /Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, p. 89-113
Book chapter > peer review
Rasmus Corlin Christensen; Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan / Professional Action in Global Wealth Chains
In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 16, No. 3, 7.2022, p. 705-721
Journal article > peer review
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