
Department of Organization

  • Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)
  • Organizations, Markets and Governance (OMG)
Associate professor

Room: KIL/14.A-4.68

My research is on current restructuring of industries and firms at the global level (outsourcing, off shoring, engagement in global value chains). In particular: The restructuring of innovation and R&D activities into global innovation networks, GINs; The role of emerging markets (China, India, Brazil, South Africa) in these emerging GINs; The consequences of these new network constructs for EU and the emerging markets respectively; Technology transfer and capability building related to renewable energy. In addition to this I am also looking at the institutional frameworks governing globalisation processes (World Trade Organisation (e.g. the TRIPs Agreement), UNFCCC, World Bank), and their impact for globalisation of knowledge intensive industries.

Primary research areas
  • Restructuring of industries
  • Global Innovation Networks
  • Location Attractiveness
  • Renewable energy
  • Emerging and developing markets
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Applied Organizational Analysis, BSc Sociology and Business Administration
  • Innovation Management, Cand. Soc. Organisational Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Other teaching activities
  • Ph.D.
  • MA
  • BSc
Selected publications
  • Haakonsson, S. (2012) “Globalisation of Innovation in the Danish Food Industry: the Exploitation and Exploration of Emerging Markets” Journal of Innovation and Development 2(2): 230-47.
  • Haakonsson, S.J., Jensen, P.Ø. and Mudambi, S. (2012) “A Co-Evolutionary Perspective on the Drivers and Dynamics of the International Sourcing of Pharmaceutical R&D” Journal of Economic Geography, doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbs018.
  • Haakonsson, S. J. (2009) “The Changing Governance Structures of the Global Pharmaceutical Value Chain’. Competition & Change 13 (1): 75-95.
  • Haakonsson, S. and Ujjual, V. “The Myth about Emerging Market R&D Strategies of MNEs: Location specific drivers and global innovation networks”. Paper accepted for the AIB UK & Ireland, Liverpool, March 2012
  • Haakonsson, S. and Hollitsch, J.K. 2012. “The Wind Turbine Industry – innovation network linkages between China and Denmark from a global value chain perspective” GLOBELICS 2012.
Publications sorted by:
Maj Grasten; Stine Haakonsson / Danmarks retningslinjer for internationalt forskningssamarbejde : En balancegang mellem politisk pragmatik og risikostyring.
In: Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2024, p. 36-50
Journal article > peer review
Susana Borrás; Stine Haakonsson; Christian Hendriksen; Francesco Gerli; René Taudal Poulsen; Trine Pallesen; Lucas Somavilla Croxatto; Susanna Kugelberg; Henrik Larsen / The Transformative Capacity of Public Sector Organisations in Sustainability Transitions
In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 53, 12.2024
Journal article > peer review
Maj Grasten; Stine Haakonsson / A New Model for Global Science and Innovation Infrastructure? : The Construction of Huairou Science City.
Copenhagen : Innovation Centre Denmark 2023, 39 p.
Susana Borrás; Stine Haakonsson; René Taudal Poulsen; Trine Pallesen; Christian Hendriksen; Lucas Somavilla; Susanna Kugelberg; Henrik Larsen; Francesco Gerli / The Transformative Capacity of Public Sector Organizations in Sustainability Transitions : A Conceptualization.
Lund : Lund University 2023, 47 p. (Papers in Innovation Studies, No. 2023/02)
Working paper
Eliane Choquette; Stine Jessen Haakonsson; Peter D. Ørberg Jensen; Søren Feodor Nielsen / Globalization of Innovation : The Moderating Role of Project-Level Investment Strategy and Country Type in Location Choice for R&D-Related FDI.
In: Transnational Corporations, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2021, p. 1-30
Journal article > peer review
Johanna Gammelgaard; Stine Haakonsson; Sine Nørholm Just / Linking Malawi’s Agricultural Sector to Global Value Chains : The Case for Community Governance.
In: Journal of International Business Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4, 12.2021, p. 523-540
Journal article > peer review
Yixin Dai; Stine Jessen Haakonsson; Lars Oehler / Catching Up Through Green Windows of Opportunity in an Era of Technological Transformation : Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Wind Energy Sector.
In: Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 29, No. 5, 10.2020, p. 1277-1295
Journal article
Yixin Dai; Stine Haakonsson; Ping Huang; Rasmus Nygaard Lema; Yuan Zhou / Catching up through Green Windows of Opportunity
In: The SDC International Report 2020 : Cooperating for Energy Transition. . ed. /Birte Holst Jørgensen; Stine Haakonsson ; Hong Zhao; Guangchao Chen. Lyngby : Sino-Danish Center (SDC) 2020, p. 82-91
Report chapter > peer review
Stine Jessen Haakonsson / Changing Geography of Clean Tech
In: Nature Energy, Vol. 5, No. 10, 10.2020, p. 735-736
Comment/debate > peer review
Johanna Gammelgaard; Stine Haakonsson; Sine N. Just / Corporate Scramble for Africa? : Towards a Postcolonial Framework for Transglocal Development Governance.
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 41, No. 9, 9.2020, p. 1213-1233
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 58 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

MarchMcLennan and World Economic Forum

Danish Innovation Center Shanghai/UM
Study & report 2023 (January, 1-2 weeks)

Ministry of higher education and science
Board Member, GINP (All year, average 1 hour per week)

Norwegian Research Council
Committee Member (2 weeks)

Danish Agency for Higher Education
Board Member, GINP (1 week)

Gothenburg University, Dept of economic geography
PhD Committee (1 week)

Innovation Center Denmark, Shanghai,
Research report (1 week)

Det norske Forskningsråd
Member socio-economic group (3 hours per week)

Det Norske Forskningsråd/The Research Council of Norway


Göteborg Universitet/University of Gothenburg
Assessment reports and member of assessment committees

Chinese Academy of Science
Foreign Expert Programme

Göteborg Universitet/University of Gothenburg
Assessment reports and member of assessment committees

Chinese Academy of Science
Foreign Expert Programme

No outside activities to report

No outside activities to report