
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Professor emeritus

E-mail: fv.si@cbs.dk

I have been on CBS's tenured faculty since 1984, from 2005 onwards as MSO and Professor, until in 2019 I retired to the position of Professor Emeritus.  Over my 35 years at CBS I been teaching in numerous programs, directed a research centre, given the task of developing new MSc programs. I have supervised a number of PhD projects and numerous master thesis projects and have been awarded prizes for quality of teaching. For publications, please see my page on SI's full time staff

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In the media

Maryann P. Feldman; Maria Halbinger; Toke Reichstein; Finn Valentin; Ji Woong Yoon / Technological Achievements in Entrepreneurial Firms : Legacy, Value Chain Experience, and Division of Innovation Labour.
In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 26, No. 3, 16.3.2019, p. 243-268
Journal article > peer review
Magnus Gulbrandsen; Michael Hopkins; Taran Thune; Finn Valentin / Hospitals and Innovation : Introduction to the Special Section.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 45, No. 8, 2016, p. 1493–1498
Editorial > peer review
Karin Beukel; Finn Valentin / How Patent Function Integration with R&D Influence the Value of Patents
Paper presented at The DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference 2016, 2016
Paper > peer review
Giancarlo Lauto; Finn Valentin / How Preference Markets Assist New Product Idea Screening
In: Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116, No. 3, 2016, p. 603-619
Journal article > peer review
Finn Valentin; Maria Theresa Norn; Lars Alkærsig / Orientations and Outcome of Interdisciplinary Research : The Case of Research Behaviour in Translational Medical Research.
In: Scientometrics, Vol. 106, No. 1, 2016, p. 67-90
Journal article > peer review
Giancarlo Lauto; Finn Valentin / The Knowledge Production Model of the New Sciences : The Case of Translational Medicine.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 111, 10.2016, p. 12-21
Journal article > peer review
Henriette Schultz Kirkegaard; Finn Valentin / Academic Drug Discovery Centres : The Economic and Organisational Sustainability of an Emerging Model Review.
In: Drug Discovery Today, Vol. 19, No. 11, 2014, p. 1699-1710
Journal article > peer review
Jacob Jeppesen; Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Giancarlo Lauto; Finn Valentin / Big Egos in Big Science
Paper presented at The DRUID Academy Conference 2014, 2014
Paper > peer review
Jacob Jeppesen; Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Giancarlo Lauto; Finn Valentin / Big Egos in Big Science : Unlocking Peer and Status Effects in the Evolution of Collaborative Networks.
Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2014, 2014
Paper > peer review
Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Finn Valentin; Jacob Jeppesen / Big Egos in Big Science
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
Paper > peer review
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