
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission database of companies containing all mandatory company filings, including annual reports of all listed American companies (so-called 10-K) and US-listed non-American companies (20-F).


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission database of companies containing all mandatory company filings, including annual reports of all listed American companies (so-called 10-K) and US-listed non-American companies (20-F).

Edgar contents

Edgar (US SEC company database) provides access to all company filings, including annual reports of all listed American companies (the so-called 10-K) and US-listed non-American companies (20-F).

Visit the SEC website to view a complete list of filing formats, of which the most prevalent are 10-K (American listed company annual report) and 20-F (US-listed non-American company annual report), 10-Q (quarterly report), 14-A Proxy Statement (annual general meeting document, containing information about remuneration of chief executives, stock options etc.), 8-K (miscellaneous company notifications), and Prospectus (listing particulars).  

Hints from the librarian 

Find a very comprehensive guide on the SEC website

Edgar facts

Geography USA
Provider SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/02/2024