
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Associate professor emeritus

Room: DH.V.2.80

I am mostly interested in the interfaces of academic and other practices, in the relation of communication and social / organizational context (text production as social interaction, academic literacy /writing and supervision), and in communication ethics (sustainable and responsible communication). My research investigates also the co-creation of sustainability, leadership and change when it comes to city management and governance.

I am an elected Member of The Board of K1: Association of Professional Communicators; Denmark.

Primary research areas
  • Organizational Communication
  • Text production as social interaction: Communities of Practice and Discourse Communities
  • Academic Writing / Academic Literacy and Supervision / Coaching
  • Communication Ethics (Ethical Compass)
  • Urban Management, Leadership, and Governance
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Selected publications

Karl-Heinz Pogner (2017): Leading Cities : Leadership and Urban Governance in Denmark. In: Conference Proceedings: The 4th International Conference on Responsible Leadership Leadership Challenges that Matter 15 & 16 March 2017. Pretoria : Gordon Institute of Business Science.

Karl-Heinz Pogner; Dagmar Knorr (2015): Vom Schreiben zum "Texten" : Akademische Textproduktion unter den Bedingungen von Mehrsprachigkeit . In: Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 44, 1, 2015: 110-122.

Betty Tsakarestou & Karl-Heinz Pogner (2014): Cities as Platforms for Co-creating Experience-based Business and Social Innovations : An Experimental Approach (Paper presented at The Seventh Art of Management and Organization Conference).

Karl-Heinz Pogner (2014): Globalization, Identity and T-shirt Communication. In: Marie-Louise Nosch; Zhao Feng; Lotika Varadarajan (eds.): Global Textile Encounters. Oxford : Oxbow Books 2014, p. 283-294 (Ancient Textiles Series, Vol. 20).

Karl-Heinz Pogner (2012): A Social Perspective on Writing in the Workplace: Communities of Discourse (DC) and Communities of Practice (CoP). In: Rothkegel, Annely & Sonja Ruda (eds.): Communication on and via technology. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton: 83-107. 

Karl-Heinz Pogner (2003): Writing and interacting in the discourse community of engineering. In: Journal of Pragmatics 35: 855-867.

Karl-Heinz Pogner (1999): Schreiben im Beruf als Handeln im Fach (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 46). Tübingen: Narr. 360 p.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Karl-Heinz Pogner / CSR/SDG Washing or Responsible and Trustworthy Sustainable CSR Communication? : Danish Communication Industry and Communication Ethics.
In: CSR Communication Conference 2022 : Conference Proceedings. . ed. /Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich; Dennis Schöneborn; Matthias Wenzel; Ursa Golob; Klement Podnar. Ljubljana : Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Ljubljana 2022, 4 p., p. 161-164
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Vibeke Ankersborg; Karl-Heinz Pogner / Conform, Transform, Resist : The Scandinavian Way of Master's Thesis Supervision and Its Contribution to Acquiring Research Literacy and Practice.
In: Negotiating the Intersections of Writing and Writing Instruction. ed. /Magnus Gustafsson; Andreas Eriksson. Fort Collins : The WAC Clearinghouse / University Press of Colorado 2022, p. 195-231 (International Exchanges on the Study of Writing)
Book chapter > peer review
Robert J. Bonk; Margarita Kefalaki; Jürgen Rudolph; Fotini Diamantidaki ; Carolin Rekar Munro; Sophie Karanicolas; Paraskevi Kontoleon ; Karl-Heinz Pogner / Pedagogy in the Time of Pandemic : From Localisation to Glocalisation .
In: Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication, 2021, p. 17-64
Journal article > peer review
Karl-Heinz Pogner / People like Us : Encouraging and Including Thoughts in Hard Times….
In: Why Is It Worth Waking Up Every Morning? : Impressions and Reflections on Inspiration, Motivation, and Collaboration . . ed. /Margarita Kefalaki. Athen : Communication Institute of Greece 2021, p. 34-38
Book chapter > peer review
Vibeke Ankersborg; Karl-Heinz Pogner / Specialevejledningens betydning for de studerendes erhvervelse af research literacies
Abstract from DUN Konferencen 2019, 2019
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Karl-Heinz Pogner / Leading Cities : Leadership and Urban Governance in Denmark.
In: Conference Proceedings: The 4th International Conference on Responsible Leadership Leadership Challenges that Matter 15 & 16 March 2017 . Pretoria : Gordon Institute of Business Science 2017, 2 p.
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Karl-Heinz Pogner; Vibeke Ankersborg / Rigor AND Relevance : Challenges of Master Thesis Writing at the Copenhagen Business School.
In: Curriculum at the Interface: The European Higher Education Area and Copenhagen Business School. . ed. /Charles Thomas Tackney; Mette Zølner. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2017
Article in proceedings > peer review
Karl-Heinz Pogner; Dagmar Knorr / Vom Schreiben zum "Texten" : Akademische Textproduktion unter den Bedingungen von Mehrsprachigkeit .
In: Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2015, p. 110-122
Journal article > peer review
Betty Tsakarestou; Karl-Heinz Pogner / Cities as Platforms for Co-creating Experience-based Business and Social Innovations : An Experimental Approach.
Paper presented at The Seventh Art of Management and Organization Conference. 2014, 2014
Paper > peer review
Karl-Heinz Pogner / Globalization, Identity and T-shirt Communication
In: Global Textile Encounters. ed. /Marie-Louise Nosch; Zhao Feng; Lotika Varadarajan. Oxford : Oxbow Books 2014, p. 283-294 (Ancient Textiles Series, Vol. 20)
Book chapter > peer review
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