Department of Business Humanities and Law

Equal Opportunities Week: Gender & Academic Careers

CBS is celebrating equal opportunities and diversity in the first week of October!

Monday, October 1, 2012 - 14:00 to 16:00

Gender and Academic Careers, 1. oktober 2012, kl. 14-16


Under the heading “Gender and Academic Careers: equal opportunities for men and women?”, Professor Mary Ann Danowitz from North Carolina University, and Jette Steen Knudsen, Associate Professor at CBS will present their latest research on female career paths, and Arne Norheim, Senior Executive at IBM will share his perspectives on and experiences with working for gender balanced management teams.


See digital invitation.

CBS Dean of Research Alan Irwin and CBS associate professor and Equal Opportunity Officer Lynn Roseberry invite you to come and hear about the latest research on the impact of gender on the career trajectories of men and women in academia and what can be done to ensure that they do in fact have equal opportunities to pursue academic careers all the way to the top.

The news has been full of stories and debates about the absence of women on company boards and top leadership positions. The goal of retaining and promoting women at the same rate as men has eluded the grasp not just of business organizations but of universities as well. This seminar will give you the opportunity to hear what scholars and practitioners have learned about the challenges involved in narrowing the gender gap in universities and business organizations and what strategies seem to be effective.

Professor Mary Ann Danowitz will present her research on how women have progressed in American and European universities since the 1970s.  Associate Professor Jette Steen Knudsen will present her research on how business organizations have used transparent hiring and promotion policies and procedures to improve their ability to hire and promote men and women at similar rates. Arne Norheim will present his perspective on the issue of narrowing the gender gap in top management based on his experience as an executive at IBM. 

The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 04/24/2013