Department of Business Humanities and Law

PhD defence: Mette Mogensen

The Organization(s) of Well-being and Productivity- (Re)assembling work in the Danish Post

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 13:00 to 15:00

In order to obtain the PhD degree Mette Mogensen has submitted her PhD thesis:

The Organization(s) of Well-being and Productivity- (Re)assembling work in the Danish Post

The PhD- thesis investigates empirically the organizations of well-being and productivity among postal workers in the Danish Post in a situation when pressure for reform and marketization entails both increased standardization and flexibilization of work.

The outset as well as the end point of analysis is a heuristic concept of ‘the primary task’, which serves to address and discuss the historically generated, but, still prevalent focus upon ‘the human dimension’ in organizational analysis. This analytic is derived from re-readings of socio-technical-systems theory in the light of Actor-Network Theory.

The resulting analysis emphasises the inherently organizational, distributed and material ‘nature’ of worker well-being; the importance of specifying how and why before normatively advocating or doubting worker autonomy; and a detailed and differentiated reading of the effects of standardization.



Associate Professor Christian Borch, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy


Associate Professor Signe Vikkelsø, Department of Organization

Assessment Committee:


Professor Paul du Gay (Chair), Department of Organizationm, Copenhagen Business School


Professor Samantha Warren, Essex Business School

Associate Professor Niels Christian Nickelsen, Department of Education – Learning, Aarhus University

The thesis is available here

Everyone is welcome to attend the defence, which will take place in English.


The defence will be followed by a reception in the Gallery, Porcelænshaven.


The page was last edited by: Communications // 04/24/2013