Congratulations to the winners of the internal CBS case competition in Business Ethics

San Diego in May 2013


This year the CBS Sustainability Platform and CBS office for Responsible Management Education hosted an internal case competition in order to find a winner to send to the International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC) in San Diego in May 2013.

Wednesday the 21st of November three teams had been selected to present their cases to a jury consisting of, amongst others, the Co-Director of CBS Sustainability Platform Mette Morsing, the Case Competition Coach of CBS Stephanie Hadler and Manager of CBS office for Responsible Management Education Lene Mette Sørensen. The three groups had chosen such varying topics as the investment of PensionDanmark in American Drone manufactures, the Code of Conduct of Bestseller in Bangladesh and the Anti-Piracy strategy of Maersk.  

In the end the jury decided upon the group presenting the case on anti-piracy strategy of Maersk as the winner. The group presenting this case consisted of Bjørg Ilsø Klinkby (MSc IPB), Adam Eithz Kromann (MSc BAP) and Anne Cathrine Garde (MSc IBP). Stephanie Hadler, CBS Case Competition Coach, has offered the three-student team a chance to join the other CBS teams training for competitions in the spring, thereby receiving dedicated time to fine tune their arguments and presentation skills. 

CSR case competition





The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/11/2012