First 2016-2017 meeting of CBS's Market and Valuation Cluster
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Events archive
Seminar |
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Address |
What’s in a Name? Giving Form and Meaning to a New Culinary Category
ABSTRACT. This study examines how a new category gains form and meaning in the presence of multiple logics, competing labels, and multiple modes of sensegiving and sensemaking. We analyze the work of four emblematic chefs associated with the emerging category of ‘molecular gastronomy’ from 1995 to 2015: Grant Achatz, Ferran Adrià, Heston Blumenthal, and Massimo Bottura. We show that category formation is a circular and iterative process, consisting of three sub-processes that take place recurrently until its stabilization: creation of innovative work, contestation emerging from the misinterpretation of innovators’ efforts, and consolidation of the meanings and practices associated with the new category. Our study reveals that a new category’s label that is in opposition with the intended meaning of the creators can nonetheless bring that category forward by triggering creators’ engagement in politics of meaning. We conclude by discussing implications of our work and outlining future research directions.
BIO. Barbara Slavich is Associate Professor in the Department of Management at IESEG School of Management (Paris) and Affiliate Professor of Organization and Human Resources Management at SDA Bocconi School of Management (Milan). She holds a double PhD degree in Management from ESADE Business School (Barcelona, Spain) and Università Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy). She was visiting scholar at Duke University, North Carolina (USA). She is the Director of the Master in Fashion Management at IESEG School of Management. She teaches courses on organization theory and design, organizational behavior, creativity and innovation management. She has published her research in academic peer reviewed journals, like Organization Studies, Journal of Business Research, European Management Journal, International Journal of Arts Management, and in edited books, like the Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Her research focuses on creativity management, identity, status and social evaluations in creative industries. |
February 10th |
10:00 - 12:00 |
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg KL 3.41 |
Seminar | Date | Time | Address |
Abstract: This study examines how a new category gains form and meaning in the presence of multiple logics, competing labels, and multiple modes of sensegiving and sensemaking. We analyze the work of four emblematic chefs associated with the emerging category of ‘molecular gastronomy’ from 1995 to 2015: Grant Achatz, Ferran Adrià, Heston Blumenthal, and Massimo Bottura. We show that category formation is a circular and iterative process, consisting of three sub-processes that take place recurrently until its stabilization: creation of innovative work, contestation emerging from the misinterpretation of innovators’ efforts, and consolidation of the meanings and practices associated with the new category. Our study reveals that a new category’s label that is in opposition with the intended meaning of the creators can nonetheless bring that category forward by triggering creators’ engagement in politics of meaning. We conclude by discussing implications of our work and outlining future research directions. Barbara Slavich is Associate Professor in the Department of Management at IESEG School of Management (Paris) and Affiliate Professor of Organization and Human Resources Management at SDA Bocconi School of Management (Milan). She holds a double PhD degree in Management from ESADE Business School (Barcelona, Spain) and Università Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy). She was visiting scholar at Duke University, North Carolina (USA). She is the Director of the Master in Fashion Management at IESEG School of Management. She teaches courses on organization theory and design, organizational behavior, creativity and innovation management. She has published her research in academic peer reviewed journals, like Organization Studies, Journal of Business Research, European Management Journal, International Journal of Arts Management, and in edited books, like the Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Her research focuses on creativity management, identity, status and social evaluations in creative industries.
February 12 | 10:00- 12:00 |
CBS Address:
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
K.4.74. |
Seminar | Date | Time | Address |
"The Invention of a Festival in a World Heritage Site: Logic, Actors, Action" with Carmelo Mazza
A World Heritage site is a perfect object to study how arts and management may collide. On one side, UNESCO sets significant constraints and demanding goals engaging both cultural organizations and local administration. On the other side, expectations of increased revenues from tourism rise the need of proper site management. |
September 12 |
"How Are You, My Dearest Mozart? Well-being and Creativity of Three Famous Composers Based on their Letters" with Karol Borowiecki, Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark
Abstract: The importance of creativity is being increasingly recognized by economists, however the possibility that emotional factors determine creative processes are grossly ignored. Building on 1,400 letters written by three famous music composers, I obtain well-being indices that span their lifetime. The validity of this methodology is shown by linking the indices with biographical information and through estimation of the determinants of well-being. I find, consistent with the psychological economics literature, that work-related engagements and accomplishments are positively related with well-being, while poor health or death of a relative are detrimental. I then exploit the data and provide quantitative evidence on the existence of a causal impact of negative emotions on outstanding creativity, an association hypothesized across several disciplines since the Antiquity; however, not yet convincingly established for the case of extraordinary achievers. Dr Borowiecki is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Economics at the University of Southern Denmark. He holds a PhD in Economics from Trinity College Dublin, where he has been also serving as an Adjunct Lecturer and Academic Coordinator. His research interests are mainly in economic history and cultural economics and also touches on urban economics (creative clusters) and labor economics (especially migration of creative people).
June 3 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
Seminar | Date | Time | Address |
"Game Changer: The Topology of Creativity in Video Game Development" with David Stark
Network research suggests that a team topology balancing familiarity (via cohesion) and diversity (via brokerage) is the key to success. We go beyond the duality of brokerage and closure by adopting the concept of structural folding – the generative tension in overlapping cohesive groups. In elaborating the causal mechanisms at work in structural folding, we hypothesize that the effects of structural folding on inventiveness and on creative success are especially strong when overlapping groups are cognitively distant. Teams are most likely to produce game changing creative success when their cognitively heterogeneous communities have points of intersection. We draw on work on topologies of knowledge in the field of semiotics to conceptualize the role of folding in channeling and mobilizing the productive tension of cognitive distance. To test our hypothesis about structural folding and cognitive distance, we study the historical mechanisms of team reassembly in the video game industry. We collected data on 12,094 video games that were produced from the inception of the industry in 1979 to 2009. Because we measure inventiveness independently from critical success, we can test whether teams with structural folds that span cognitively distant communities are able to develop distinctive products that are, at the same time, recognized as successful in the video gaming field. David Stark took his Ph.D. at Harvard and is today Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at Columbia University where he directs the Center on Organizational Innovation. At present he is Visiting Professor at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School. His most recent book, The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life, was published by Princeton University Press in 2009. Stark studies how organizations and their members search for what is valuable. To visit Stark’s homepage click here. |
May 7 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
CBS Address:
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
K.4.74. |
"Interpretive Mediation in Museums: Introduction of a new digital tool in the French musée du quai Branly" with Sylvian Colombero
Grounded in institutional theory, my research focuses on how a higher status organization in the field of cultural institutions adopts and uses a digital innovation. I present a pilot study of the musée du quai Branly in Paris, which exhibits non-Western arts, focusing on the modern and digital audioguide tool, which mediates between exhibition pieces and visitors. The mediation allowed by this innovation remains controversial in relation to these unusual masterworks and their interpretations. Through an analysis of micro processes, I show how internal controversies manifest in the current business model that underpins the introduction of the audioguide, including the value of mediation desired by the museum. I conclude by exploring the use of bricolage as a way to better implement the digital innovation via the business model. Sylvain Colombero is a PhD student at Centre de Gestion Scientifique at Mines ParisTech. |
April 24 | 13:00 - 15:00 |
CBS Address:
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
"What’s good? Profession meets management in news(paper or web?)’s newsrooms" with Elena Raviola
My research focuses on the news field, investigating in particular how traditional newspaper organization cope with technological changes. Building on institutional theory as well as science and technology studies, I have investigated how journalistic professional norms, practices, and boundaries are created and recreated with different work technologies. In this presentation, I will present my studies at Il Sole-24 Ore, the largest Italian financial newspaper, Göteborgs-Posten, the fourth Swedish newspaper, and Rue89, an online-online news website started in 2007. Across these studies I will focus on the changing and not-changing aspects of the relationship between journalism and management. |
April 11 | 14:45 - 16:45 |
CBS Address:
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
"Dancing around a cultural site: Context, actors and the (invented) tradition of a festival" with Carmelo Mazza - THE EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED
A cultural site is a perfect object to study how arts and management may collide. Within the New Institutional approach to organizations studies, competing or multiple institutional logics have been largely referred as triggers for these clashes (Greenwood and Suddaby, 2006; Thornton, Ocasio and Lounsbury, 2012). Variety of strategic action by the professional groups, leading to different institutional work (Lawrence and Suddaby, 2006; Lawrence, Suddaby and Leca, 2009), have been also referred upon as a key factor explaining conflicts. Keywords: Institutional work, alignment, cultural organization. |
March 22 | 12:00 - 14:00 |
CBS Address:
Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg
Seminar | Date |
Center for Leisure and Culture Services at INT presents a seminar with Brian Wheeller Brian Wheeller holds degrees in Economics, in Applied Economics, in the Economic Impacts of Tourism, and in American Studies. His doctorate on Critiquing Eco/Ego/Sustainable Tourism contextualises the debate within the wider arena of tourism planning and management, policy and practice. In addition, his interests have evolved and broadened over the years, his current research revolving around the links between travel, tourism and popular culture - in particular literature, art, photography, film, music - and their relevance to contemporary tourism thinking. |
May 10 |
Seminar by David Throsby David Throsby is Distinguished Professor of Economics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He is internationally recognised for his research and writing on the economics of art and culture. His current research interests include the economic circumstances of artists, culture in economic development, heritage economics, the creative economy and the relationships between economic and cultural policy. |
April 23 |
Seminar by Amelie Boutinot Reputation-building is a difficult process, but one that is vital to survive and improve career paths in creative industries. One reason artists face difficulties is that reputation-building may lack of clarity in the relationships between the various and apparently distinct kinds of reputation an artist can have. This paper suggests understanding better the way several kinds of reputations are built and combined in creative industries. Our structural model results, based on a sample of 103 contemporary French architects, indicate that the specific reputations an artist can acquire are inter-constituted and interact with each other. Thanks to our empirical study, we contribute to reputation and creative industries literatures. |
March 28 |
Seminar by Lasse Steiner The artistic labor market is marked by several adversities, such as low wages, above-average unemployment, and constrained underemployment. Nevertheless, it attracts many young people. The number of students exceeds the available jobs by far. A potential explanation for this puzzle is that artistic work might result in exceptionally high job satisfaction, a conjecture that has been mentioned at various times in the literature. |
March 8 |
"Mechanisms of Institutional Re-Emergence and Field Level Identity Change: Swiss Watchmaking, 1983-2008" with Ryan Raffaell We seek to understand the processes and mechanisms whereby “dying” technologies in an institutionalized field re-emerge at a later date. |
March 7 |
Seminar | Date | Time | Address |
History and Business Design John Heskett will speak of design as a strategic opportunity and challenge based on a foundation of design as a basic human capability. He has a strong combination of experiences from China, USA and Europe. |
March 9 | 14:00 - 16:00 | PH 110 Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 2000 Frederiksberg |
An evaluation of cultural industries' policies in Norway - a report developed for the Dep. of Commerce. Seminar by Donatella De Paoli. The presentation will contain a discussion of cultural entrepreneurship, what it is and what it needs of public support. Through the extensive evaluation of how the incentives and support mechanisms of the Norwegian Art Council and the Norwegian Innovation Fund, some propositions are drawn about how to stimulate and support cultural entrepreneurs in the fields of music, literature, visual art, crafts & design and the per formative art fields. |
Seminar | Date | Time | Address |
"Value chain restructuring in the global film industry" Seminar by Angus Finney from CASS Business School (London) and Film London |
March 12 | 10:00 - 12:00 |
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Room: 4.74 (4th floor) |
"Aesthetic experience, consumer competences and experiential marketing"
February 11 | 14:00 - 16:00 | Copenhagen Business School Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Room: KS..71 (ground floor) |
CINEMA seminar series
“Sense(making) and Sensibility - Making Emotions Matter”
Seminar by Per Darmer
December 3
14.00 -16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: KS.4.74 |
"Creativity is a skill that everybody has":
Product designers talk about creative work"
Seminar by Doris Ruth Eikhof
November 16
14.00 -16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: KS.4.74 |
CINEMA seminar series
“The retention of elite talent in the Danish film industry: meso (branch) level factors”
Seminar by Chris Mathieu
November 5
14.00 -16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: KS.4.74 |
Seminar with Bruno S. Frey on 'Awards as Incentives'
October 23
10.00 - 12.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Room: K.1.43 (NEW!) |
"Creative industries in China"
Seminar with Marina Guo from the Research Center for Creative Industries, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
October 1
14.00 - 15.30
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 16, 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale 109 |
"Developing a creative cluster in medium-sized cities: the challenge of authenticity"
Seminar with Fabrizio Montanari from Insitut for Mangement from Università Bocconi, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
September 2
10.00 - 12.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: KS.4.74 |
"The French Movie Industry - its evolution and regulation"
Seminar with Bernard Leca from Rouen School of Management, France. Bernarc Leca will present his empirical results from the French film industry,
together with introducing us to the institutional theory regarding creative industries research.
Moderator: Professor Jesper Strandgaard. Department of Organisation, CBS. |
April 23
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: KS.4.41 |
"Developing a creative cluster in medium-sized cities: the challenge of authenticity"
Seminar with Fabrizio Montanari from Insitut for Mangement from Università Bocconi, Reggio Emilia, Italy. THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS. |
"A Day of the Creative City"
Seminar with Ole Kjær Mansfeldt from Wonderful Copenhagen and Holger Reenberg, leader of Herning Kunstmuseum. Moderator: Can-Seng Ooi, lecturer at Department of International Economics and Management, CBS. |
November 25
10.00 - 13.00
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 16A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: PH110 |
"Gå-hjem møde: Ophavsret for Kunstnere, Forvaltningsorganisationer og Brugere - på tærsklen til en ny realitet?"
Seminar with Martin Gormsen from KODA, Maria Rørbye Rønn from DR and Jesper Bay from IFPI. Moderator: Thomas Riis, Professor at Law Department, CBS. |
November 11
16.00- 18.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: K.S.54 Tryg Vesta |
"Creativity and the Wealth of Regions: Why Regions and Creative People are more important than ever."
Seminar with Charlotta Mellander from Jönköping International Business School. |
April 30
10.00 - 11.30
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: K.S.54 Tryg Vesta |
"IPR in the Creative Industries"
Seminar with Mark Lorenzen, lecturer at Institut for Innovation and Organisational Economics and Anders Geersten from Danish Film Institute. Moderator: Jesper Strandgaard, Professor at Department of Organisation. |
March 27
10.00 - 13.00
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgashave 14 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SV.108 |
"Day of the senses: Sense within film, fashion and fragrance marketing"
Seminar with Brian Moeran, Professor at Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, CBS, Mark Lorenzen, lecturer at Department of Innovation and Organisational Economics, CBS and Hans Møller, Sound Director, Mainstream. Moderator: Jesper Strandgaard, Professor at Department of Organisation. |
January 25
10.00 - 13.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: K.S.7 |
"Selling Architecture"
imagine .. in collaboration with Center for City at IOA presents a seminar with med Professor Candace Jones, Boston College, USA. |
October 2
14.00 -16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgashave 15 2000 Frederiksberg |
"Networks of creativity in science and arts"
imagine .. in collaboration with Padua University. |
May 21 - 22
"Creative Destruction" and "Cultural Competition and Public Subsidies of the Arts".
Seminar with Tyler Cowen, Professor from George Masin University, USA. |
May 21
11.00 -14.00
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale K.S.48 (stueeetagen) |
"Unsocial sociability: The paradoxes of intellectual capital formation and social capital networks".
imagine .. in collaboration with Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, The University of Copenhagen presents Peter Murphy, lecturer from Monash University, Australia. Download paper here: Peter Murphy Paper |
April 19
"Cooking Up Change in Haute Cuisine: Ferran Adriá as an Institutional Entrepreneur".
Seminar with Silviya Svejenova, lecturer from ESADE Business School in Spain. Download paper here: Cooking Up Change in Haute Cuisine |
"The Imaginary Institution of society: collective creativity"
Seminar with Anders Michelsen, lecturer from the University of Copenhagen. Se pdf-fil for yderligere information: Anders Michelsen |
May 19
"Courting Chaos: Singapore's Pursuit of the Creative Industries"
Seminar med Can Seng Ooi, lektor ved Institut for International Økonomi og Ledelse, CBS. See PDF for more information: Can Seng Ooi |
April 7
"Destination Branding: Stakeholder approach and Six Thinking Hats"
Seminar with Zaida Perez from Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies. See PDF for more information: Zaida Perez |
April 4
Seminaret er aflyst på grund af sygdom!
"Familiarity Breeds Attempt: Legitimacy and Foundings in the Early American Film Industry, 1893-1928"
Seminar with Stephen Mezias from New York Universitet. See PDF for more information: Stephen Mezias |
March 31
"Imagining Scents: Language, Marketing and Aesthetics"
Seminar with Brian Moeran, Professor at Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, CBS. See PDF for more information: Brian Moeran "Beauty is in the Processing Experience of the Beholder: A Perceptual Fluency Theory of Aesthetic Preference"
Seminar with Rolf Reber, Professor from University of Bergen, Norway. See PDF for more information: Rolf Reber |
March 3
12.00 -13.30
14.00 - 15.30
"CityDesign - What the Creative City may offer to the Citizens"
Seminar with Steffen Gulmann, Professor, CBS. See PDF for more information: Steffen Gulman |
February 24
“Creative cognition in design”
Seminar with Dr. Bo Christensen, Psychology, Aarhus Universitet. See PDF for more information: Bo Christensen |
December 2
Project Fox: Immaterial Labour and Creative Proletarians in the Copenhagen Advertising Industry”
Seminar with Dr. Adam Arvidsson, Film and Media Studie, The University of Copenhagen. See PDF for more information: Adam Arvidsen |
November 11
“From old luxury to new luxury: a multisited study of Georg Jensen branding and retailing”
Seminar with Dr. Fabian Faurholt Csaba, Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, CBS. See PDF for more information: Fabian Faurholt Csaba |
September 23
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP08 |
“The Management of Rock Festivals as a Basis for Busines Dynamics”
Seminar with Professor Jon Sundbo, leader of Center for Oplevelsesøkonomi, RUC. See PDF for more information: Jon Sundbo |
October 7
"Organizational capability and competitive advantage in Project Organizations"
Seminar with Tina Brandt Husman, Department of Strategic Management and Globalization, CBS. |
June 15
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SPs13 Velux |
“Strategic design in the Experience Economy”
Seminar with Tore Kristensen, lecturer, Department of Marketing, CBS. |
June 8
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP.112 |
"Luxury Goods: Luxury for the Masses - distinctions for all?"
Seminar with Carmelo Mazza, University of Rome, La Sapienza. |
May 31
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SPs13. Velux |
"From fashion to design in the Industrial Cluster of Montebelluna, NE Italy. The impact of collective knowledge creation and learning mechanisms”
Seminar with Tine Aage, Department of Strategic Management and Globalization, CBS. |
May 18
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SPs.12 |
“The Good, Bad, and Ugly in Danish Art-based intervention”
Seminar with David Berry from Learning Lab Denmark. |
April 3
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP.212 |
“Assessing the heritage value: the case of Arg e Bam”
Seminar with Stefano Curioni, ASK (Art, Science & Knowledge), Bocconi University. |
April 8
14.00 -
16.00 |
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SPs13 Velux |
"Kreative virksomheder - Danmarks fremtid...?"
Seminar with Trine Nielsen and Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen from DR . |
March 16
14.00 - 16.00
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP.112 |
"When Fur Became Fashion"
Seminar with Lise Skov, The University of Copenhagen. |
3. december
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale:SP.213 |
"Blind trust: Market Control, Legal Environments, and the Dynamics of Competitive Intensity in the Early American Film Industry, 1983-1920."
Seminar with Stephen Mezias, New York University. |
14. december
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SPs13 Velux" |
"Globalisation of South African music? Music Industry and Musicians in Johannesburg."
Seminar with Tuulikki Pietilä, Gæsteforsker, Post-Doctoral, Danish Institute for International studies. |
19. november
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP.s14 |
"Doing Media Research in Japan"
Seminar with Ellis S. Krauss, University of California, San Diego, USA. "News Production in CNN & Al Jazeera"
Seminar with Ingrid Volkmer, University of Otago, New Zealand. |
12. november
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgashave 15 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: 2V.071 |
"What is creativity, and does it have anything to do with commerce?"
Seminar with Keith Negus, Goldsmiths College, University of London. |
29. oktober
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: SP.212 |
"Issues of Methodology in Studying Vogue Nippon."
Seminar with Brian Moeran, Professor at Department of Intercultural Communication and Marketing, CBS. |
22. oktober
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgashave 15 2000 Frederiksberg Lokale: 2V.071 |
NORTHORS 23: THE VALUE(S) OF TOURISM 2-4 OCTOBER 2014 04/25/2014 Dear Colleagues, The 23rd Nordic Symposium for Tourism and Hospitality Research will take place on 2-4 October, 2014 in Copenhagen. Denmark. The event will be preceded by a welcoming reception in the evening of October 1, honoured by the presence of representatives from Copenhagen City administration. The symposium is hosted by the Center for Leisure and Culture Services research (CLCS) at Copenhagen Business School, and organized in collaboration with the Tourism Research Unit, at Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen. We are privileged to have as keynote speakers reputable tourism scholars from the Nordic countries and beyond: Professor Jafar Jafari, University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA; Professor Monika Büscher, Lancaster University, UK, Associate professor Bodil Stilling Blichfeldt, Aalborg University, Denmark, and Professor Thomas O'Dell, Lund University, Sweden Under the overarching theme of The Value(s) of Tourism, the 23rd Nordic Symposium has the goal of contributing to trans-disciplinary discussions that represent multiple empirical, conceptual or methodological approaches to contemporary tourism phenomena and challenges. Therefore, the Scientific Committee invites scholars to submit abstracts that address one or more of the conference themes enlisted in the Call for Papers on the conference website. Please note that new conference tracks have been added recently. Submission of abstracts is welcomed until 1 May, 2014 while early bird registration fees are available only until 15 June, 2014. Detailed information about the registration procedure and practical arrangements are available on the website of the symposium. Additional accommodation options and details about the social programme will be available soon, and attendees are encouraged to visit the symposium website regularly. We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen! Adriana Budeanu, Ana Maria Munar, Can Seng Ooi, Carina A Hallin, Kristian A. Hvass (CLCS-CBS), Carina Bregnholm Ren and Szilvia Gyimóthy (TRU-AAU) |
Den nye generation i dansk mode Workshhop I: Modebranchens finansielle vilkår efter krisen
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - 08:30 to 12:30
KAN VI TALE OM EN NY GENERATION I DANSK MODE? En række forhold og udviklinger i de senere år – f.eks krisens effekt på kredit- og finansieringsvilkår, vækstmulighederne i fjerne markeder, et presset detail-led, den vedvarende digitale revolution, samt global produktion og sourcing – har i hvert fald ændret betingelserne for dansk mode fundamentalt og uigenkaldeligt. Dette stiller krav til nytænkning og nye kompetencer blandt modeiværksættere -og vækstvirksomheder, og ikke mindst skarpere fokus på det forretningsmæssige. I en serie af workshops over det næste halve år, vil vi udforske vilkårene og muligheder for den nye generation i dansk mode igennem at samle og dele modevirksomheders og andre brancheaktørers erfaringer og viden, og skabe et forum for samarbejde og kompetenceudvikling, der kan være med til at skabe bedre betingelser og nye muligheder for dansk mode. Den første workshop tegner et billede af modebranchens økonomiske og finansielle situation, herunder de udfordringer iværksætter -og vækstvirksomheder inden for mode står overfor, i forbindelse med finansiering og samarbejde med pengeinstitutter og investorer. Seminaret afholdes på Kilen i lokale KS043 i tidsrummet 08.30 - 12.30 Kontaktperson: Fabian Csaba, Institut for Interkulturel Kommunikation og Ledelse |
6th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research – NCCPR 2013 The conference will take place August 14-16 at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). It is organized in collaboration between CBS and Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (IVA) Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 18:00 to Friday, August 16, 2013 - 16:00
Contact: Associate professor, Ph.D. Trine Bille, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, CBS Theme: Cultural Policy in a Transformed Cultural Landscape The cultural sector is in motion. The classic cultural institutions are being redefined and new types of institutions have appeared. The mediatization, including social media, that blurs the boundaries between producers and consumers, have created new types of artists, new art forms, new arenas and new forms of cultural communication and identity formation. But how does cultural policy follow along? What do these transformations entail for cultural policy and the theoretical foundation of cultural policy? These changes are the theme for the 6th Nordic conference on cultural policy research that will focus on the consequences of the mediatization and digitalization of culture with its diversity of forms and participation. The purpose of the conference is to gather researchers as well as cultural policy administrators from the Nordic countries to discuss cultural policy research and practice. At the conference about 50 research papers will be presented. Key note speakers: • Associate Professor Peter Duelund, University of Copenhagen: Nordic Cultural Policy at the dawn of the 21th century: Imaginations, trends and new challenges Panel discussion on cultural policy research and practice: More information about the conference: |
Wardrobe Network in November 13th to 15th November is the last workshop under the Wardrobe Network, funded by NORDFORSK. WHO IS THE GROUP OF FASHION PEOPLE? The Wardrobe Network is an interdisciplinary group of academics, museum people and consultants, from Scandinavia and Europe, examining dress practices in a critical and sustainable perspective. THEMES OF THE WORKSHOP One of the themes for the present workshop is sustainability and action research, with presentations on 1) design ethnography by shoe designer Catherine Willems, University College Ghent 2) a project to revitalize the Norwegian wool industry by consumer researcher Ingun Klepp, National Institute for Consumer Research, Oslo, and 3) fashion entrepreneurship and the difficulty of intervening in the flighty Danish design scene. The second theme is local couture histories, with presentations on 4) the Uzbek textile heritage in the era of independence, by Gabriele Mentges, 5) the methodological challenges OF REINTERPRETING LOCAL FASHION HISTORY BY MARIE Riegels Melchior, Designmuseum Danmark, 6) on haute couture as local business by historian Veronique Pouillard, Oslo University and 7) on the influence of local culture on Swedish fashion by art historian Ulrika Berglund, Stockholm University.
Contact person at Department of Intercultural Communication and Management Associate professor Lise Skov, |
Birgit Stöber: Lecturer, IKL
Trine Bille: Lecturer, INO
imagine .. is co-organising the conference: Creativity from a Global Perspective: An International Conference on the Creative Industries from October 18 – 20 2010 The pursuit of the creative industries is no longer limited to the developed world. Emerging markets and the developing world are also engaged in promoting various creative industries. While brick and mortar remain important, policy makers are aware that innovation and creativity are significant economic driving forces both now and in the future. Creative industries prize ideas and knowledge, translating creativity into economic value. Creative activities take on a spectrum of guises, ranging from films and paintings to city branding and new media development. The creative industries as areas of research are also getting popular. This conference gathers researchers from around the world to discuss and further their knowledge on the creative industries. Shanghai is the perfect setting. It will host Expo 2010 and is a highly vibrant, rapidly growing city. During this conference, participants will not only experience aspects of Shanghai but also visit creative industry sites and companies. Time Venue Keynote speakers
Working Languages Organisers Links Contact: Can-Seng Ooi, CBS, |
Creative Encounters: New European Fashion Centres, Dreams of Small Nations in a Polycentric Fashion System Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 - 09:00 to 17:00
While the world cities of fashion – Paris, London, Milan, New York and Tokyo – have been studied in detail, research on fashion in small nations in Europe have rarely found an audience beyond the nation. However, in recent years designers from a number of small countries have made an impact on international fashion, for example, the Antwerp Six from Belgium and Victor and Rolf from Holland. When we look closer we find in many small European countries the explicit dream to be renowned international fashion centre. These dreams are formulated jointly by national industries, fashion designers, design schools, governments and not least the press. At the conference, New European Fashion Centres at Copenhagen Business School, the aim is to map out and discuss how this ‘second-tier’ of fashion nations is constituted and how it changes the way in which fashion works as a polycentric global fashion system. Creative Encounters at Copenhagen Business School invites you to learn more on this topic by joining the open conference where you will meet international fashion scholars presenting and discussing cases such as Irish fashion, Portuguese fashion, Dutch fashion, Icelandic fashion and Danish fashion. The conference is concluded by a reception where it is possibility to meet and talk to the invited scholars. More information: View the program and the list of speakers here: There will be held a reception from 16:30-17:00 in Kilen's main hall. Registration: Fill in and send the attached registration form to email: before Monday 18th January 2010 Contact: Conference Secretary Maja Dueholm (, Associate Professor Lise Skov ( or Dr. Marie Riegels Melchior ( Ks54 TrygVesta Aud., Kilen |
imagine .. and CINEMA konference: The second annual conference on "Cultural production in a Global context: The Worldwide Film Industries conference". Konferencen afholdes primært for akademikere tilknyttet sidste års konference men vi inviterer også folk fra filmbranchen til konferencen. Kontakt: Dato: Adresse: |
Theme Panel: "At the Cross-road of National and Cosmopolitan: Interweaving of Organizations and Organizing in Creative Industries", co-chaired by Jesper Strandgaard, Candace Jones and Silviya Svejenova, as part of the 22nd EGOS COLLOQUIUM "The Organizing Society" in Bergen Dato: |
CINEMA konference: Venner for livet? – dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde & konkurrence” Konferencen bliver afholdt for en forholdsvis lille kreds af deltagere, men skulle du have interesse i at deltage kontakt da Jesper Schlamovitz på Dato: |
Årets økonomistyringskonference 2006: ”Grænsebrydende ledelse i den globale viden- og oplevelsesøkonomi” er med deltagelse af imagine.. medlem lektor Mark Lorenzen med oplægget: ”Når Danmark skal overleve som viden-, oplevelses- og innovationsøkonomi”. Dato: |
"Interdisciplinary Conference of Fashion and Dress Cultures" Dato: Link: |
Theme Panel: "(Un)Wrapping Creative Industries and Organizations", co-chaired by Jesper Strandgaard, Candace Jones and Silviya Svejenova, as part of the 21st EGOS COLLOQUIUM "Unlocking Organizations" at Freie Universität Berlin. Dato: |
The DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference 2005 on "Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems" Chariman: Peter Maskell, Institut for Innovation og Organisationsøkonomi, CBS. Dato: |
"Designere kan vinde i fællesskab" Dato: |
imagine .. Creative Industries Research
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A, 4. sal
DK-2000 Frederiksberg