Case writing workshop with Daniel Isenberg
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 12:00 to 18:00
As a teacher in entrepreneurship with experiences in case teaching, we are very pleased to invite you to an unique case teaching and writing workshop with Professor Daniel Isenberg. This is great opportunity to meet and discuss how to write case materials and how deliver case teaching in the best manner.
The workshop will consist of a case discussion, an analysis of the discussion and use and structure of the case, and a detailed description of case writing and case writing/teaching do's and don’ts. This workshop will be of use even for faculty who are teaching cases (or strongly interested in doing so) but don’t have current plans to write their own.
Daniel has taught for 11 years at Harvard Business School and has published 25 HBS entrepreneurship cases, one of which is used to teach all incoming HBS students how to read and discuss cases. One of Dan's videos is used to teach incoming HBS faculty the art of case teaching.
Register for the workshop by mailing Project Manager Dorthe Mejlhede ( at CBS by the latest on October 30th. The workshop is co-organized by the Entrepreneurship Platform, the Danish Business Authority and Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab (CIEL).
We look forward to seeing you!

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