Prof. Darrell Duffie, Stanford University is named Honorary Doctor at CBS

The Department of Finance is proud to announce Prof. Darrell Duffie, Stanford University as new Honorary Doctor at Copenhagen Business School


The Department of Finance and Copenhagen Business School are honored to announce that Prof. Darrell Duffie, Stanford University has been appointed Honorary Doctor at Copenhagen Business School.

Darrell Duffie is a world-leading researcher in financial economics. He has been a driving force in the development of asset pricing theory and empirics over the past 30 years with numerous very deep and important contributions. His research has had a significant impact on academic and real-world finance, influencing how securities are priced and hedged and how regulators and policy makers think about financial markets. Darrell Duffie has strong ties to the Department of Finance at CBS as he has been a role model, advisor, co-author, and a source of inspiration for many members of the department.

This year, CBS has the honor of announcing three Honorary Doctors: Prof. Darrell Duffie (Department of Finance), Prof. Henry Hansmann (Department of International Economics and Management), and Prof. Peter Miller (Department of Operations Management). The Honorary Doctors will present their research (in parallel sessions) from 11 am to 12 noon on Friday, March 21, 2014. The research presentations will be followed by a reception from 12 noon to 1 pm, and the Honorary Doctor Ceremony will take place in the evening in connection with the CBS annual party.

Registration is not necessary for the research presentation and we welcome everyone who would like to attend.

Please find more information about Prof. Darrell Duffie here

The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 07/11/2023