The Sustainable Urbanisation International Leadership Program (SULP) offers a series of intensive 1-week modules held at 5 leading universities around the world, giving participants valuable insights into the many opportunities and challenges of sustainable urbanisation, both locally and globally. Each module takes place at a different partner university and focuses on a theme – reflecting the strengths of each university and host city. Participants can take anywhere from 1-5 modules, depending on interest. |
The SULP module themes, host universities, and 2014-2015 dates are: Module 1 - Society: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (17-21 November, 2014) Module 2 - Living: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (16-20 February, 2015) Module 3 - Mobility: Oxford University, U.K. (20-24 April, 2015) Module 4 - Technology: Peking University, China (15-19 June, 2015) Module 5 - Economy: INSEAD, France (14-18 September, 2015) For full information about all of the SULP modules world-wide, visit: |
Description of Module 1, in Copenhagen: ‘PEOPLE, COMMUNITIES AND SUSTAINABLE URBANISATION’ Sustainability offers inherent opportunities and challenges to cities. This 5-day dynamic module focuses on how to translate urban sustainability goals into practice from a societal perspective. By concentrating on the strategies of cities that are champions in adopting sustainable urbanisation initiatives, we will identify key success factors, distilling out the contexts needed to make them workable. The programme will include illustrative real-life business models from the Danish context, and Copenhagen in particular, but the learning environment is cross-cultural. The programme aims to provide an understanding of the complex relationships between different aspects of community, business, and sustainability. It takes a cross-disciplinary approach – offering tools and frameworks that are useful for business executives and policy makers to understand and analyse aspects of sustainable practices (ranging from green lifestyles to greening of cities, public transportation to cleaner air). We will use examples, models, and cases, and show the importance of being holistic in implementing good urban sustainability practices. |
- Understand the community dynamics and complexity of sustainable development in an urban context
- Acquire people-oriented frameworks and tools to address sustainability challenges from business and city perspectives
- Address real-life challenges through case studies of world-renowned firms, including Gehl Architects (urban planning) and DHI Group (water management)
- Interact with participants from around the world who face similar challenges and offer experiences with different sustainability solutions
COURSE FORMAT The program consists of lectures, discussions, exercises, and site visits in Copenhagen. Participants are encouraged to contribute actively and work in groups to develop, analyse, and present “live” cases, and demonstrate their mastery of the materials offered in the course. Each group will present their analysis of the “live” case on the last day of the module. |
Day 1: Urban Sustainabilities: Frameworks & Tools
Day 2: People-focused Sustainability: Policies, Bureaucracy, and Governance
Day 3: Sustaining Cooperation: Garnering Stakeholder Interests
Day 4: Sustaining Sustainability: An Ongoing Process
Day 5: Sustainability in Society |
PARTICIPANT PROFILE The programme is geared towards the practice community – those in policy making and businesses with a sustainability agenda. A diverse group of participants are sought from both the public and private sectors, key managers responsible for implementing sustainable urbanisation solutions (top and middle managers from companies, municipalities, governments, and NGOs, etc.). The programme will be taught in English and participants are welcomed from around the world. |
KEY FACULTY This programme will be delivered by experts from the practice community and universities, coordinated by two dynamic professors from the Copenhagen Business School who are passionate about sustainability:
Can Seng Ooi, Professor, Ph.D., CBS Cans Seng is a Professor of International Business and Culture Industries, and Director of the Center for Leisure and Culture Services at CBS. A sociologist who researches urban and social sustainability issues, he has received ‘Best Teacher’ Awards multiple times.
Adriana Budeanu, Associate Professor, CBS Adriana teaches and conducts research in the area of sustainable tourism and international business, sustainable consumption and lifestyles, and CSR in tourism supply chains. Her interests focus largely on sustainability performance in international businesses and on sustainable service innovation.
TIME, PLACE, AND FEE 5 days: November 17-21, 2014 This module takes place at CBS Executive, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark. EUR 5,000 – excluding hotel accommodation, VAT, and flight (discounts available for multiple sign-ups from the same organization) |
FURTHER INFORMATION Programme enrollment is administered by CBS Executive, affiliated with Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. For further information, refer to our website at or send an e-mail to: |