The story of the Danish labour market

How was the premise of paid work created in Denmark? Find the answer in a new book by Ove Kaj Pedersen, CBS Professor and author of the acknowledged book Konkurrencestaten (the competitive state).


Ove Kaj Pedersen, Professor at the Department for Business and Politics at CBS has made yet another important historical analysis of the Danish state in the new book Markedsstaten (the market state).

The book is a follow-up on Konkurrencestaten, which gave a ground-breaking analysis of the global competition’s influence on Denmark.

By showing how autocratic kings during a 200-year long period created the premise of paid work, Ove Kaj Pedersen points out why governmental regulation and the free market have now become the essence of the Danish labour market.

Ove Kaj Pedersen underlines that the Danish labour market has crucial impact on how society works; not least when the state and the business community handle globalisation.

‘Markedsstaten’ by Ove Kaj Pedersen, published by Hans Reitzels Forlag in May 2014, 423 pages.

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