
Department of Economics


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E-mail: dp.eco@cbs.dk

Dario Pozzoli is a professor of economics at Copenhagen Business School. His research focuses on the effects of globalization on the domestic economy. He has recently examined how trade and immigration affect domestic firms' outcomes such as innovation, offshoring and productivity and domestic labor market conditions such as workers' skills. He received a BA from Bocconi, a Ph.D. from the Catholic University of Milan, and has held positions at University of Aarhus and University of California Santa Cruz.

Primary research areas

Labor Economics and International Trade

Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage

Macroeconomics (Spring)

Methods for Economic Consulting (Fall)

Selected publications

Constrained Hours Within the Firm (with C. Labanca). Journal of Labor Economics, 2022, 40:2, 473-503.

The Impact of Immigration on Firm Level Offshoring (with Will Olney, Williams College), Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press Journals. Volume 103 | Issue 1 | 77-195, 2021

Ethnic Diversity and Firm’s Exporting Behavior (with P. Parrotta and D. Sala), European Economic Review, Vol. 89, October 2016, Pages 248-263.

Does Labor Diversity affect Firm Productivity? (with P. Parrotta and M. Pytlikova), European Economic Review, Vol. 66, February 2014, Pages 144–179. See Policy Briefings published in Jullandsposten (Dårlig integration koster dyrt. Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, May 12, 2010, Erhverv & Økonomi section).

The Effect of Learning by Hiring on Productivity (with P. Parrotta), The Rand Journal of Economics, RAND Corporation, Vol. 43(1), pages 167-185, 03 (2012).


Publications sorted by:
Vera Rocha; Dario Pozzoli / Do Hiring Strategies Change in Successive Entrepreneurial Stints?
In: Strategic Management Journal, 26.11.2024
Journal article > peer review
Roel Beetsma; Svend E. Hougaard Jensen; David Pinkus; Dario Pozzoli / Do Pension Fund Equity Investments Raise Firm Productivity? : Evidence From Danish Data.
Frederiksberg : Department of Economics. Copenhagen Business School 2024, 83 p. (Working Paper / Department of Economics. Copenhagen Business School, No. 02-2024)
Working paper
Roel Beetsma; Svend E. Hougaard Jensen; David Pinkus; Dario Pozzoli / Does Long-term Patient Capital Matter? : The Impact of Pension Fund Investments on Firm Productivity.
Paper presented at Pension Finance: Investment, Regulation, and Risk-Sharing, 2024
Paper > peer review
David Pinkus; Dario Pozzoli; Cédric Schneider / Pension Fund Investment and Firm Innovation
Frederiksberg : Department of Economics. Copenhagen Business School 2024, 67 p. (Working Paper / Department of Economics. Copenhagen Business School, No. 01-2024)
Working paper
Katja Mann; Dario Pozzoli / Robots and Immigration
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 227, 11.2024
Journal article > peer review
Grace Gu; Samreen Malik; Dario Pozzoli; Vera Rocha / Worker Reallocation, Firm Innovation, and Chinese Import Competition
In: Journal of International Economics, Vol. 151, 9.2024
Journal article > peer review
Claudio Labanca; Dario Pozzoli / Hours Constraints and Wage Differentials Across Firms
In: Journal of Human Resources, 7.11.2023
Journal article > peer review
Katja Mann; Dario Pozzoli / Automation and Low-skill Labor
Bonn : IZA 2022, 32 p. (IZA Discussion Paper, No. 15791)
Working paper
Grace Gu; Samreen Malik; Dario Pozzoli; Vera Rocha / Chinese Import Competition, Offshoring and Servitization
In: Economic Inquiry, Vol. 60, No. 2, 4.2022, p. 901-928
Journal article > peer review
Claudio Labanca; Dario Pozzoli / Constraints on Hours within the Firm
In: Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 40, No. 2, 4.2022, p. 473-503
Journal article > peer review
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