CBS Competitiveness Day

The CBS Competitiveness Day is a bazar of activities including morning meetings; public lectures, an evening Executive Lounge - all events related to competitiveness. Welcome to CBS – please join us in this event.

Monday, September 8, 2014 - 08:30 to 19:00
 Please register by sending an email to stating which session(s) you plan to attend.
 Please click on the hyperlinked title to read more about each event.
 9:00-11:30 Outsourcing & offshoring as a competitive tool – Peter Ørberg
 Jensen (SMG, CBS) & Katie Gove (Trellis)
 The Outsourcing/Offshoring Network – TON – organizes this exciting panel discussion
 on the state and the current challenges of outsourcing and offshoring.
 9:00-11:30 Sikring af den gode kundeoplevelse starter ikke med kunderne – Mogens Bjerre (MKT, CBS)
 Service virksomheder er - og skal være - optaget af hvilken værdi de skaber for deres kunder.
 Men der er stor forskel på at forstå hvad der er værdifuldt og på at kunne levere det. Med udgangspunkt i kundes rejse og  oplevelser af din virksomhed, ser vi nærmere på hvor der skabes værdi, hvordan der skabes    værdi, og ikke mindst hvordan kunden oplevelser  samspillet mellem medarbejdere, servicekoncept, teknologi og processer.
 10:30-11:30 Øget konkurrenceevne gennem øget salgsproduktivitet - innovation
 i salget – Jens Geersbro (MKT, CBS) & Thomas Ritter (SMG, CBS)
 Når alle dele af virksomheden finkæmmes for at øge produktivitet, skal salget også
 bidrage. Vi gennemgår innovationspotentiale og innovationslysten i salgsfunktioner
 - og præsenterer resultater af en undersøgelse i over 700 danske virksomheder.
 12:00-13:00 Book L(a)unch: Alignment2: Driving competitiveness and growth
  through business model excellence – Thomas Ritter (SMG, CBS)
  While most firms are knowledgeable about their customers and their capabiities,
  the real challenge is to align the different parts of the business – and to keep a holistic
  picture on competition. The new book is inspired by hundreds of discussions
  with executives on their challenges to accelerate their firm’s competitiveness. In
  the session, Thomas will present the main management tools from the book and
  discuss the managerial dilemmas of today’s executives.
  13:00-15:00 Creating better Strategic Foresight from Stakeholder Insights  – Torben Juul Andersen (CGSR, CBS), Carina Antonia Hallin (CGSR, CBS), Lasse Peter Laursen (CGSR, CBS) & Carsten Pedersen (CGSR, CBS)
  The competitive environments are complex and dynamic with business conditions in
  constant flux.Therefore, firms that are able to quickly understand evolving trends and subtle changes faster
  than their competitors will be able to engage in timely responses and improve their competitive position.
  13:00-16:00 Design Management – Roberto Verganti (Politecnico di Milano),
  Robert Austin (MPP, CBS), John Christiansen (OM, CBS), Claus Varnes (OM, CBS) &
  Marta Gasperin (OM, CBS)
  Today design is not only an add-on to a product, but a process to develop new and
  innovative products and solutions. This workshop investigates how companies can
  explore and exploit design to improve their competitiveness. Two former Harvard
  Professors will expand on their experiences.
  15:00-16:00 Driving Competitiveness through Servitization – Christer Karlsson
  (OM, CBS), Juliana Hsuan (OM, CBS) & Thomas Frandsen (OM, CBS)
  Together with The Danish Industry Foundation, CBS is researching how
  servitization can be a strategy to enhance the competitiveness of Danish firms.
  This presentation will provide a brief overview of the field with a focus on how
  managers can analyze and plan a servitization strategy as well as the possibilities
  for participating in future applied research on servitization.
  16:30-18:30 CaseLab2.0 - Knowledge for Impact: - Rob Austin (MPP, CBS) &
  Dana Minbaeva (SMG, CBS)
  This exciting case experience discusses the challenges of Knight Capital losing
  $172,222 per second for 45 minutes (which totals more than $450 million USD) –
  and recovering from this shock.
  17:00-20:00 Executive Lounge: Health Care at Crossroads: What’s the next
  business model? – Thomas Ritter (SMG, CBS), Nicolai Juul Foss (SMG, CBS) &
  Peter Aksel Villadsen (Leo Pharma)
  Healthcare is changing, just think of personalized medicine, patient-centric
  initiatives, smartphone enabled services, value health economics. Thus firms
  need to change too. This event will set a spotlight on the industry and give ample
  opportunity to discuss and network. This event is organized in collaboration with
  HECTOR – The Health Care Transformation Organization

Throughout the day, there will be coffee/lunch/snacks for the registered participants. Participation is free, but registration is required. Please register by sending an email to stating which session(s), you plan to attend.

For more information, please see


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/20/2018