PhD defence: Anders Ravn Sørensen

Studies in central bank legitimacy, currency and national identity. Four cases from Danish monetary history.

Friday, September 19, 2014 - 14:00 to 16:00

Anders Ravn Sørensen


In order to obtain the PhD degree, Anders Ravn Sørensen has submitted his thesis entitled:

Studies in central bank legitimacy, currency and national identity. Four cases from Danish monetary history.

Professor Per H. Hansen
Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Copenhagen Business School


Secondary supervisor:
Associate Professor Mads Mordhorst
Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Copenhagen Business School


Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Alfred Reckendrees (Chair)
Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Martin Marcussen
Department of Political Science
University of Copenhagen        

Professor Eric Helleiner
Political Science
University of Waterloo


The thesis will be available from

The Doctoral School of Organisation and Management Studies will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at “Rotunden” (2nd floor above the canteen).

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