"There is something magical about week 9"

For the 14th year in a row the CBS Case Competition is held in week 9. Participants in the international case competition for students will this year develop a three-year business plan for Danish State Railways.


CBS Case Competition
Photo by Esben Zøllner Olesen

CBS is buzzing with activity in week 9. This is the week of the CBS Case Competition which is arranged by students from CBS. The aim of the competition is to create networks between students and business, increase the international knowledge of Denmark and strengthen relations to the participating universities.

This year’s case was revealed Wednesday at 10:00. Participants are asked to develop a three-year business plan for how DSB should increase its passenger growth, and in a higher extent, become the backbone of the Danish public transportation system.

The competition itself consists of 12 teams of selected elite students from international universities, who have 32 hours to solve a task and then present it to a judging panel of top executives.

In parallel with the main competition, CBS will host a wealth of events. The official welcome dinner was held on Monday, where HRH Prince Joachim participated as guest of honour, and a number of companies will be visiting CBS during the week.

Hair-raising pat on the back
- There is something magical about week 9 at CBS. Whether you are a participant in CBS Case Competition or a regular participant, there are so many events and interesting presentations. I've always wanted to know what it was like to be part of the group who receives the case, says Marianne Skovgaard Sørensen.

She is one of four elite students selected to represent CBS in the case competition. She is in her 6th semester of the BSc in Economics and Business Administration. She encountered a case competition in the first few weeks of her study programme, where the students in BSc in Economics and Business Administration are introduced to a case. Since then she has participated in Öresund Linking Minds, which is a case competition that CBS co-organises.

- I think it's great to be presented with a problem and then apply all the tools I have been equipped with. And as I have participated in competitions continuously through my programme, I can tell I am getting better, says Marianne Skovgaard Sørensen.

The team of four participants meet several times a week to solve cases or socialise. Marianne Skovgaard Sørensen's role in the group is to be in charge of the financial area and to open and close the final presentation.

But even though she has considerable experience with cases, it will still be a different experience to be one of the four members on CBS' team.

- I definitely think my adrenaline will be pumping when we get the case. Because it is a pat on the back to be put on this team, and it means that someone believes we will do a good job. Now we have to prove it, and of course that is hair-raising, says Marianne Skovgaard Sørensen.

Read more about CBS Case Competition

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017