Health Tech Entrepreneurship - Policy Conference 2015

This conference aims at debating the challenges of integrating and fine-tuning health-tech into modern society and how we might overcome these challenges in making health-tech a productive and highly beneficial part of the modern society.

Friday, September 18, 2015 - 08:30 to 14:00

Health-tech is one of society's most exciting emerging industries as it holds substantial promise for growth, prosperity and welfare. In addition, it also represents a healthcare solution for the growing size of society's population of pensioners. This makes health-tech one of the most important issues in modern society.

“The intersection of IT and Healthcare is highly interesting, emerging out of technological developments as well as new ways of organising healthcare services. The conference will focus on this intersection and the entrepreneurial potential it represents for start-ups in Denmark. Check out the possibilities in this description of the conference and join us on September 18th at CBS.” Jørgen Badenfleth - Chairman at Copenhagen Healthtech Cluster & Symbion







Welcome and opening of the conference


Opening speech: Nikolaj Sonne - Journalist from DR "So ein Ding"


Welcome: Daniel Hjorth - Professor & Academic Director of CBS Entrepreneurship Platform


Moderator: Toke Reichstein - Professor & Academic Director of CBS Entrepreneurship Platform



The Health-tech challenge and its importance



Helle Hee Raun, Head of Business Development, Falck Healthcare:
Healthcare megatrends from a commercial perspective
Marie Louise Conradsen, Chief Consultant, IRIS group:
The Public-Private Interface in Health Tech innovation
Finn Valentin, Professor with special responsibilities, Director of Research Center on Biotech Business at CBS:
Health Tech - Challenges, opportunities and the response from CBS



The role of IT and how Health-tech can benefit from the IT industry



Jørgen Bardenfleth, Chairman at Copenhagen Healthtech Cluster & Symbion:
Introduction: IT and Healthtech
Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen, Director of Copenhagen Healthtech Cluster:
IT-Healthtech start-up: case
Tina Blegind Jensen, Associate Professor at CBS:
Research perspective on IT and Healthtech



Potential Promoters: Incubators, Policy and Capital



Camilla Bartholdy, Program Manager of Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE) and Athgene, HealthTech Startup: CBS Student Incubator, promoting student entrepreneurship

Ravi Vatrapu, Professor, Computational Social Science Lab, Dept. of IT Management, CBS &

Henning Langberg, Professor, CopenRehab, Dept. of Public Health, KU:
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health Organizations
William B. Gartner, Professor at CBS:
Research perspective on student entrepreneurship and ways of promoting it



Closing of the Event



Reception & networking

Please note that we have a limited number of seats available for this event, so in the event that you will not be able to come, please cancel your registration as soon as possible by emailing Lena Azimi,

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Deadline for registration is 4 September, 2015. The event is free of charge


The page was last edited by: Communications // 12/17/2017