Meet young entrepreneurs at CBS

CBS Entrepreneurial Day is an opportunity to meet young entrepreneurs from CBS and higher education programmes in the Greater Copenhagen area.


Entrepreneurial Day

On 24 September Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship at CBS will host the very first ’Entrepreneurial Day’ which puts entrepreneurship at the top of the agenda.

It will be an opportunity to meet some of the many young entrepreneurs among CBS's students, but also among students from DTU (the Technical University of Denmark), KEA (Copenhagen School of Design and Technology), ITU (the IT University of Copenhagen) and KU (the University of Copenhagen) because many business ideas are interdisciplinary collaborations.

CBS researchers with entrepreneurship insight will also participate, as will the team behind the incubator environment CSE (Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship).

Read more about CSE

Read more about Entrepreneurial Day

See the programme

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017