Financial Regulation Seminar w. Torben Juul, Douglas Jondle, and Michelle Rovang Burke

On November 16, Torben Juul, Douglas Jondle, and Michelle Rovang Burke will visit Center for Corporate Governance to talk about “The Role Ethics in Risk Governance”.

Monday, November 16, 2015 - 16:00 to 17:30

Financial Regulation Seminar
The Role Ethics in Risk Governance

Torben Juul Andersen, Professor, Center for Global Strategic Responsiveness, CBS
Michelle Rovang Burke, Director of Veritas Institute, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, USA
Douglas Jondle, Director of Research, Center for Ethical Business Cultures, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, USA


The seminar frames the role of ethics in the context of regulatory requirements imposed on the financial sector for a conscious focus on a risk culture that permeates all organizational activities and attempts to give the concept specific contents as managing risk through an ethical business culture model as a benchmark for “modern risk management” practice.

What does it mean to state that risk management is an expression of organizational values? This seminar will discuss the basis for identifying the connection between corporate values through the lens of an ethical business culture drawing linkages to current risk management thinking and contemporary attempts at regulating ethical behavior in the financial industry. The approach provides the basis for an analytical framework that inserts ethical assessments into the risk management process.

Please register your attendance before November 12 by sending an e-mail to

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