Professor defends doctor of philosophy degree

On Friday 27 November 2015 Professor Ove K. Pedersen will defend his doctoral thesis, which is based on the books "Konkurrencestaten" (The Competition State) and "Markedsstaten" (The Market State). The doctoral defense, which will take place at CBS, is an analysis of the modern Danish state.


Ove K
Photo: CBS (frontpage photo: Shutterstock)

Ove K. Pedersen, a professor of comparative political economy at the Department of Business and Politics at CBS, will earn his PhD based on an analysis of the modern state – both in terms of its establishment and evolution. Pedersen’s analysis is based on two works: Konkurrencestaten (The Competition State) and Markedsstaten (The Market State), both issued by Hans Reitzel Publishers.

Markedsstaten (2014) contributes to the analysis by examining the emergence of the modern Danish state dating back to the 1600s and up to 1910, where the state–market–individual framework became the cornerstone of the modern state. Konkurrencestaten (2011) primarily serves to reveal how and why the state has undergone an evolution over the past 25-30 years, where, according to Professor Pedersen, the change from welfare state to competition state is a key factor.

The dissertation defense committee comprises Professor Kerstin Jacobsen, PhD, Gothenburg University; Professor Rune Slagstad, PhD, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Norway; and Professor Sverre Raffnsøe, PhD, CBS. The defense will be headed by the Dean of Research Peter Møllgaard.

The defense is open to the public and anyone wishing to participate is kindly asked to register here.

The defense will take place at Kiln Hall, Porcelænshaven, 2000 Frederiksberg.

The defence starts at 13.00 and following a reception will be held to celebrate Professor Pedersen’s doctorate of philosophy.

For more information please contact Professor Ove K. Pedersen or Head of Secretariat Bo Bøgeskov.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017