EU referendum on the opt-out – find an expert at CBS

On 3 December 2015 the Danes will be voting yes or no to whether the Danish opt-out on EU judicial cooperation should be changed to an opt-in scheme. Here you can see which CBS experts are able to comment on the referendum.


Photo: Shutterstock

Professor Peter Arnt Nielsen
Primary areas: EU civil law, International Commercial Law, International contract law

Professor emeritus Uffe Østergaard
Primary areas: European Union politics, Political Culture in the European nation states, Denmark and the Nordic Countries

Associate professor Manuele Citi
Primary areas: EU politics and policy-making, The EU budget and budgetary dynamics, EU common market regulation and governance

Professor Poul F. Kjær
Primary areas: Economic sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Law, European Integration, Global Governance

Professor Ove K. Pedersen
Primary areas: Comparativ Political Economy, Institutional Analysis, Political Theory, European Employment Policy

Professor Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen
Primary areas: Short and long term effects of financial policies, Macroeconomic Policy and Structural Reforms in the Eurozone, Macroeconomic and Generational Effects of Changing Demographics

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017