Find career inspiration at CBS Career Fair 2016

Would you like to learn more about a large number of companies from various industries? Participate in CBS Career Fair on 5 and 6 October where we connect businesses and CBS students.


Many businesses are searching for CBS students, and during CBS Career Fair the students will have the opportunity to meet representatives from more than 65 different businesses who are lined up to present a number of career opportunities. Students will meet both Danish and international businesses: Google, Novo Nordisk, Coca-Cola European Partners, Zalando and many more.
CBS Career Fair 2016 is the biggest so far, and for the first time the event will take place over the course of two whole days.

Exciting company presentations
Over the course of those two days more than 30 companies will present their company culture and offer an insight into their career opportunities. All presentations will take place in room SPs16. Remember that you must register for CBS Career Fair to participate in the presentations.

Great diversity in the businesses represented
The number of businesses that have shown an interest in CBS Career Fair this year is exceptionally large. You will have the opportunity to meet businesses from many different industries interested in many different profiles. We therefore encourage all students to participate, regardless of academic profile and study programme.

Plan your personal CBS Career Fair
It is important that students make the most of CBS Career Fair. It is therefore a good idea to prepare and decide which businesses you would like to approach and what you would like to know. As a new feature you can now plan and adapt CBS Career Fair according to your own profile and preferences. Create your personal list of businesses at to optimise your Career Fair visit.

Read more about CBS Career Fair at:


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020