Kick-off event for the next ComCaseCompetition (CCC17)

Learn more about the Communication Case Competition 2017 at the kick- off event on November 16th, 2016, from 4 to 6 pm at Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, SP s08. Meet Mads Madsen, Vice President, Global Communication Novozymes, get a sneak peek of the case and the jury’s evaluation criteria. Participation is free.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 16:00 to 18:00

Join the ComCaseCompetition's kick- off event on November 16th, 2016, from 4 to 6 pm at Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, SP s08.

The Communication Case Competition is the leading international case competition open to all graduate students within the field of communication. In 2017, the case competition takes place on January 25th-26th, at Copenhagen Business School. Sign up as a team of up to five students, to compete and find the ultimate communication solution for a real-world challenge. Participation is free.   
Share ideas and build relationships  

In teams, you will have 24 hours to solve an international communication  challenge by sharing your knowledge, skills and experiences. You will use and apply theories, models and key concepts to practical communication scenarios. You will also learn to design professional, innovative and creative communication strategies that are embedded in an organisational and societal context. Throughout the competition you will get involved with a diverse group of international students, renowned researchers, influential media and innovative companies.

Please help Novozymes with the case:
“Creating better lives without costing the earth”. At the start of the twentieth century, people were standing before a century of great transformations powered by fossil fuels, with an unprecedented effect on climate.
Novozymes believes that changes in the twenty-first century will take place at even greater speed, and this time progress will be built on nature and biology. Novozymes, the world leader when it comes to biological solutions, is looking for answers:
How can the company use social and mobile platforms to engage millennials in supporting biology-based answers to the world’s problems?  
How can Novozymes create awareness and engagement among groups of young global citizens/consumers?

The finale
Communication Case Competition 2017 concludes with a free, public event from 3 to 6 pm at Copenhagen Business School. Meet the talents of tomorrow and hear their recommendations for Novozymes’ communication challenge.
Expect to
•             Work with a 24-hour deadline
•             Use your knowledge, skills and experiences
•             Share ideas, obtain feedback, and learn from communication and management experts
•             Build networks with potential future employers
•             Gain more insight into the business world and global communication
•             Meet the right people: professional communicators, researchers and leading agencies
•             Be challenged and receive useful feedback from a professional jury.

How to apply?
Register your team no later than January 5th, 2017. Teams must send a motivational letter, together with the team members CV’s and the completed entry essay.
Register and apply at

NB. Teams may apply for transportation grants.

Entry essay:
To be handed in together with the group’s application, motivational letter and group profile including the participants’ CVs.

Reaching the millennials
At the start of the twentieth century, people were standing before a century of great transformations powered by fossil fuels, with an unprecedented effect on climate.
Novozymes believes that changes in the twenty-first century will take place at even greater speed, and this time progress will be built on nature and biology.
Novozymes, the world leader when it comes to biological solutions, is looking for answers: How can the company use social and mobile platforms to engage millennials in supporting biology-based answers to the world’s problems? How can Novozymes create awareness and engagement among groups of young global citizens / consumers?
In your assignment (max 2 pages = max 4450 STU Standard Graphic Units), your group should on the basis of an analysis of the above sketched challenge and of Novozymes’ strengths and weaknesses (SW) outline the threats and opportunities that come with the digital communication era and the communication preferences and habits of the “millennials” or “digital natives” / “digital naturals.”

More information can be obtained from

Associate Professor
Karl-Heinz Pogner Ph.d.
Copenhagen Business School
Dpt. of Intercultural Communication and Management
Porcelaenshaven 18 A
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Read more!

The page was last edited by: Communications // 06/13/2018