Centenary begins at CBS

The celebration of Copenhagen Business School’s centenary in 2017 will be academic and awesome! The centenary website gives an overview of conferences, initiatives and parties.


An anniversary book  about CBS’ history and role in society through the years. A LEGO model of the Wedge building and a gala dinner. All this and much more will mark CBS' centenary in 2017.

"Since 1917 we have contributed central research and educational skills that help create and support the development of Danish society.  At the same time our international profile has only grown stronger and stronger. This kind of anniversary should not go unnoticed, and we plan to make the most of it," says President Per Holten-Andersen.

The centenary will emphasise why CBS is an important and strong player –  now and in the future – through activities such as CBS Diversity Day, which will highlight diversity and inclusion . It is also natural to celebreate the centenary by inviting CBS' alumni back to campus on CBS Alumni Day, where we emphasise that CBS depends on its alumni relations in the continuous development of the university. On Danish Management Society Day 2017 (VL Døgnet 2017), business executives are invited to meet researchers, students, and Danish as well as international top executives at CBS, and in connection with CBS' summer party in June, all students, CBS staff and neighbours are invited to experience CBS.

You can find an overview of all the centenary activites planned for 2017 on the centenary website. Here you will also find the history of CBS presented on a timeline from 1917 until today.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020