Invitation to workshop on the role of social sciences and business humanities in addressing societal challenges

What is truly the role and potential contribution of the social sciences and business humanities in challenge-driven interdisciplinary research projects? How can we, in a meaningful way, promote effective collaboration across scientific disciplines? And how can this be reflected in strategic research programs?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 13:00 to 16:30

This will be the focus of a workshop organized by Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the nonprofit think tank DEA at CBS on April 4, 2017 from 13:00 – 16:30 followed by a reception.

Inspiration for the discussions at the workshop will be provided by two invited speakers:

•    Paul Nightingale, Professor and Deputy Director of SPRU, University of Sussex
•    Tobias Bade Strøm, Policy Officer, Unit Open and Inclusive Societies – DG Research and Innovation, European Commission.

Part of the workshop will focus on the role of calls from research funding bodies and the new concept of Societal Readiness Level.

Key takeaways from the workshop will be summarized in a subsequent workshop report from CBS and DEA, which will be made public later in 2017.

The workshop will present successful strategic research projects that include social sciences and business humanities across Danish universities.

For further information and registration please visit the website

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