How to land on Berlingske’s Talent 100 List

Last year one-third of the highly talented individuals on Berlingske Business Talent 100 List were graduates of CBS. This year the event will be celebrated at CBS. Get tips on how to land on next year’s list.


Photo: Business editor at Berlingske Business, Peter Suppli Benson

Today the Danish daily Berlingske Tidende celebrates business and industry’s 100 most talented young people. The event will take place at CBS.

Berlingske Business is celebrating publication of its annual Talent 100 magazine, which has selected the business community’s up and coming stars based on portraits of 100 carefully selected talents since 2004.

With many CBS graduates appearing on the Talent100 List in recent years and in honour of CBS’ centennial anniversary, this year’s celebration takes place on campus. Thomas F. Borgen, the CEO of Danske Bank , will attend and talk about the hallmarks of truly talented individuals. The business editor at Berlingske Business, Peter Suppli Benson, will describe how Berlingske identifies the 100 talents.  

Talent100 Conference 2017 programme

Talent is more than just performance and achievements
If you’re not signed up for the celebration, then check out the business editor’s advice on how to get on next year’s list. The odds are already good because last year 34 out of the 100 talented people listed possess a graduate degree from CBS.

Overall, Berlingske Business believes that talents are much more than just their achievements:

 “Talents must have the ability to think comprehensively. The ability to read other people and to use the skills of others to jointly create results. What’s more, talents must be prepared to reinvent themselves – all the time and over again,” explains Benson.

Below is a list of eight tips by the business editor that provides a glimpse of how to improve your chances next year.

Shortcut to the Talent 100 List

  1. Do  what it takes to deserve selection by your own organisation.
  2. Bear in mind that the initial selection occurs primarily through company executives, sometimes through customers, especially in the consultancy field.
  3. If you’re an entrepreneur and part of a small organisation, ensure that your achievements are specifically identifiable.
  4. Nominators must write with enthusiasm and nominees must put an extra effort into writing their CVs, which should include a credible description of their achievements.
  5. Study the Talent100 categories; carefully pinpoint which category you feel at home in.
  6. Keep in mind that Talent100 is not a ranking, but a snapshot that encompasses widely different abilities.
  7. During the screening process the selection committee in charge of choosing the 100 talents also emphasises diversity, including an array of professional skills, just as gender plays a role.
  8. It’s not a question of an exact science but about recognising initiative. One rule of thumb is that preferably no more than two talents should be selected from the same business or organisation.

You’ve got eight solid months to put the pedal to the metal and show your organisation that it would be a shame for you not to get in the race. Berlingske Business begins accepting nominations in January 2018.

For more information about the 2017 Talent 100 Conference at CBS, please contact Helene Brøndholdt Nilesen.

If you would like to address any questions to Berlingske Business about Talent 100, write to:

Time and place:
April 27 2017 16:30 - 19:00
Ovnhallen, Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020