Conference: Fiscal frameworks in Europe
PeRCent organized a research conference held in Copenhagen on June 1-2, 2017, hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank:
The conference was organized by Svend E. Hougaard Jensen, Michael M. Hutchison (UCSC), Federico Ravenna (Danmarks Nationalbank) and Guntram Wolff (Bruegel).
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has led to a new emphasis on implementing stronger fiscal rules and institutions within a framework that defines each participant’s responsibility for maintaining sustainable public finances. These issues take on added importance in an era when populations are ageing and increasingly depend on pensions, health care etc. And the issues are not least important in light of experience gathered since the formation of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
The conference brought together prominent scholars working in the areas of fiscal institutions, fiscal sustainability, banking regulatory and supervisory issues, banking crises, and so on, and applying their expertise to the context of fiscal policy in Europe. Details of the event, including the conference programme, papers, participants etc., can be found here. A number of photographs were taken at the conference of which a few can be seen below.
EU Commissioner Marco Buti and Bruegel director, Guntram Wolff
Professor Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Professor Niels Thygesen