Corporate graduate programmes at CBS – a reality

Now you can keep your dream job and take a master degree at the same time. Send an application by 1 March and join an exciting programme that leads to a highly sought-after qualification.



The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has approved CBS' proposal to offer two four-year part-time master programmes: the part-time MSc in Business Economics and Auditing and the part-time MSc in Business Administration and E-business. The application deadline is 1 March and courses commence in September 2018. CBS plans in 2019 to add another four-year part-time master programme to the range, namely an MSc in Finance. Further details about this option will be available later; the application deadline is expected to be 1 March 2019.

This programme is a new type of degree programme where CBS essentially offers its master programmes as part-time programmes, which means that they can be taken over a period of four rather than two years. CBS currently offers two such programmes. While studying on the programme, students must be employed in a relevant occupation at least 25 hours a week in parallel with their studies.

Per Holten-Andersen, CBS President, is delighted about the new option. He initiated the project back in 2011:

"The need to acquire knowledge while having occupational employment has increased. Being able to take a degree that offers flexibility is an absolute necessity in today's world, where a new balance between theory and practice is needed. CBS’ corporate graduate programme also has strong appeal in that you can gain a qualification while at the same time applying your newly acquired knowledge at your workplace. What's more, society benefits from highly competent students," Per Holten-Andersen explains.

The Study Progress Reform was a factor in the motivation to set up the corporate graduate programme, as it has prevented some students from gaining work experience while studying. There is a long-standing tradition for this, for example in accountancy, where employment in the profession has given students solid practical experience, which they often draw on in their studies.

Numerous companies and interest organisations support this type of education, and there is widespread demand for master graduates who work and study at the same time. Jens Aaløse, Senior Executive Vice President at TDC, explains: "TDC Group seeks master graduates who can combine digital and technical competence with business know-how, which is why we fully support the corporate graduate programme in e-business because we believe it is important for education and training to be linked to practical experience from business and industry."  

Director of CBS Business, Louise Seest, pointed out in an interview with the newspaper Berlingske that the Study Progress Reform has forced many students to complete their degrees rather than grabbing a permanent job early and returning to education again later.

"It's rare today for students to be headhunted and to break off their studies. The students are well aware that if they take a job and stay away for some years, it can be hard to get permission to complete their studies," explains Seest, who is enthusiastic about the synergies and the opportunities the corporate graduate programme offers. Linking practice and theory more effectively is one of the main motivations behind CBS' desire to push through the corporate graduate programme politically.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020