Organisational guru Henry Mintzberg to visit CBS

The Canadian organisational guru, professor and author Henry Mintzberg will visit CBS on Wednesday 2 May, where he will meet students and partners to share his thoughts and ideas on a rebalanced society across political opinions and sectors.


Henry Mintzberg
Foto: Owen Egan

CBS is pleased and honoured to receive a visit this week from world-renowned professor of organisation and management, Henry Mintzberg, who will spearhead activities putting sustainability in society on the agenda.

Sustainability in society
In the days of his visit, Mintzberg will use his most recent book, Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center, as his point of departure. How do we restore balance in our society? Does the answer lie in looking more closely at corporate social responsibility, or is it your responsibility and mine as individuals?

Business in society
Mintzberg will participate in, for example, a CBS Roundtable, whose aim is to bring decision-makers in the business community and public organisations together with CBS researchers to discuss some of the dilemmas and issues of major importance to society while also planning what must happen to restore the balance.
Director of CBS Business (the unit arranging the Roundtable), Louise Seest, states:

“We’re extremely proud to have attracted a professor of Henry Mintzberg’s stature to CBS. Our goal with the CBS Roundtable is to bring researchers and practitioners together so they can discuss topics that are relevant to business and industry but simultaneously of high priority in international research at CBS. We’re confident that Professor Mintzberg will bring valuable new insights to our researchers and to participants from the business community.”
Meeting with PhD students
The Canadian professor will also meet with some of CBS’ PhD students to hear about their projects, after which he will provide feedback and general career advice.

Professor Andreas Rasche, CBS Department of Management, Society and Communication observes:

“Welcoming such a successful management thinker like Henry Mintzberg to CBS represents a unique opportunity for our PhD students to discuss their work and to receive career advice. Professor Mintzberg has helped shape research and education in management studies for decades. I’m absolutely convinced that our PhD students will benefit from this exciting experience.”

This CBS Roundtable is made possible by financial support from Coloplast.

Read more about Henry Mintzberg
Read more about Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center

NB: CBS Roundtable and the meeting with the PhD Students are both closed events.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019