Fatma joined the Department of Accounting in 2018. She holds a PhD in Management Science from Paris Dauphine University where she taught management accounting and financial accounting. She was also a visiting research scholar at the London School of Economics and a Post Doc at the ESSEC Business School of Paris. Fatma previously worked on the Douglasian and the Beckian risk sociologies. Her current research deals with organizational dynamics of risk management and institutional processes in audit regulation. She is also interested in the impact of blockchain technologies on auditing.
Primary research areas
Organization theory and sociology
Risk Management
Digital automation
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Cost & Management Accounting, Msc Accounting, Strategy & Control
Cost & Management Accounting, Msc International Marketing & Management
Cost & Management Accounting, MINOR in Accounting & Finance
Master thesis supervision, Msc Accounting, Strategy & Control
Selected publications
JEMAA F. (2022). Recoupling Work Beyond COSO : A Longitudinal Case Study of Enterprise-wide Risk Management. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 6.5.2022
JEMAA F., JEPPESEN K.K., & MHIRSI N. (2022). Institutionally Sustaining or Abandoning Mandatory Joint Audits : The Contrasting Cases of France and Denmark. European Accounting Review, 25.3.2022
JEMAA F. & BEN KHALED W. (2015), La prudence comme origine morale de pratiques organisationnelles émergentes. Revue Francaise de Gestion, Vol. 41, No. 248, 4.2015, p. 93-108.
Fatma Jemaa / Recoupling Work Beyond COSO : A Longitudinal Case Study of Enterprise-wide Risk Management. In: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 103, 11.2022
JEMAA, F. & GLEASURE, R. (2019). Keeping friends close and enemies closer: a critical analysis of discourse in Big 4 accounting firms. Accounting, Organizations & Society workshop on Distributed Ledgers, London.
HAKALA, N. & JEMAA, F. (2024). Infrastructuring field conditions for the governance of climate transition: The Case of TCFD Task Force. Journal of Management Studies Workshop, London.
HAKALA, N. & JEMAA, F. (2024). Framing market-climate governance: A longitudinal case study of climate transition as an investor concern. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference, London.