CBS Startup receives 350.000 kroner from the CBS Executive Foundation

At the CBS Executive Foundation board meeting on 26 September 2018, a decision was made to donate DKK 350,000 to CBS Startup.


Based on an application from CBS, the CBS Executive Foundation underlined the importance of the CBS Startup initiative and found them worthy to receive the Foundation’s grant. Applying these resources, CBS Startup can provide financial assistance to the most promising startups from CSE as well as other places at CBS. This assistance may prove useful in the critical start-up phase.

With this donation, the CBS Executive Foundation becomes a founding member of CBS Startup.

CBS Startup is grateful for the donation from the CBS Executive Foundation, as it shows a profound support of CBS’ strategy in this area. The funding is directed at entrepreneurs affiliated to CBS as a way of supporting the important agenda of practical entrepreneurship at CBS.

Inquiries about CBS Startup and the donation can be directed to board member Karina Rothoff Brix at or at: 61772147.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019