Once again, KVINFO and Foreningen for Kønsforskning invite you to an after-work event that presents brand new gender research. The evening will provide inspiration for working with gender and diversity across a variety of academic fields, a room for sharing of experiences and networking.

Thursday, November 22, 2018 - 16:00 to 19:00

This time Vækstlaget focuses specifically on business-oriented research and all presenters represent different ways to work with gender and diversity at Copenhagen Business School.


Lotte Holck (in Danish), postdoc., introducing CBS’ Diversity & Difference Platform

Louise Sloth (in Danish), MSc in Human Resource Management
The thesis: En fair ansættelse – enhver mands ret: en kritisk diskursanalyse af ubevidste kønsbias i rekrutteringen på Copenhagen Business School.

Paul Guzelian (in English), MSc in Diversity and Change Management
The thesis: Everyday Racialisation at Work: a processual approach to racialised differences in a Nordic organisation.


Chiara Renée Podbielski (in English), MSc in Management of Creative Business Processes
The thesis (written with Christopher L. Østergaard): Are women in leadership position in the cultural and creative industries of Copenhagen gender blind? And is the way they organise their company a reflection of it?

Mette Keinicke (in Danish), MSc in Political Communication and Management
The thesis: Diskursive konstruktioner af LGBT-medarbejdere i organisationen - et kritisk diskursanalytisk blik på LGBT-medarbejdere og inklusion gennem normkritisk diversitetsledelse.



The event is free and we welcome everyone.

There will be time for questions from the audience after each presentation.

We finish the evening with gin & tonics provided by Foreningen for Kønsforskning, as usual!

Read more here

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019