CBS to appoint new chairman and a new external member to the Board of Directors

CBS’ recommendation committee is looking for a new chairman and a new external member for the CBS Board of Directors. Read more about how you can contribute to the process.




The new chairman of the board is to take on the position on 1 July 2019 and will replace the current chairman, Karsten Dybvad, who is to step down from the board after his term of office ends on 30 June 2019.

The new external member is to replace Lisbet Thyge Frandsen, who stepped down from the board after her term of office ended on 30 June 2018.

Together with the CBS Board of Directors, the recommendation committee has prepared a competence profile of the new chairman and the new external member. Based on the competence profile, the recommendation committee will be looking for candidates that match the profiles and recommend them to CBS’ recommendation committee. The appointment committee will then make the final decision to offer a candidate to join the CBS Board of Directors as a new external member and appoint a new chairman for approval by the minister.

CBS and the recommendation committee would like to invite everyone who has suggestions and ideas for a new external member to forward them to the secretariat of the recommendation committee.

Read more about the competence profiles and how to contribute to the process

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/20/2021