Two CBS researchers win international case award

CBS teaching cases are among the most used in lecture halls across the world. Congratulations to Professor Michael Mol and Professor Dana Minbaeva, who both have won an award for their popular cases on the tech giant Apple and the oil company KazOil.


Case Awards

Two CBS teaching cases are among the most used in lecture halls across the world. This has just been announced by The Case Centre, an international case community of over 500 academic and corporate member organisations, who celebrates the annual award winners for best international teaching cases.  

Winner of the Free Case category is the case about an oil company, KazOil, in Kazakhstan, which was owned by Canadians before it was sold to a Chinese company. Local managers leave the company because of cultural differences. How are the employees motivated to stay under a new ownership structure?  

Winner of the Strategy and General Management category is about the tech giant Apple, which gets into trouble when a BBC documentary is accusing the company of violating the rights of Chinese employees. How does the management handle the bad media coverage?

Gregor Halff, Dean of Education at CBS, extends his congratulations while he underlines the importance of case-based teaching:

”Not only are cases a great way of getting real-life business into the classroom; they also help professors teach well. So my colleagues’ awards show how they’re contributing to teaching excellence”, says Gregor Halff.

Most used cases    
Every year, The Case Centre gives awards to lecturers who have managed to enrich business education with inspiring cases. The selection is based on which cases have sold best in 2018 in combination with how many programmes have integrated the case in their teaching activities.

This year, CBS has won the categories Free Case and Strategy and General Management. In the Free Case category, CBS’ case competed with 702 other cases while the Strategy and General Management category competed with 7,870 other cases.

"Writing cases is about telling a story"
Dana Minbaeva, Professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, is behind the winning case in the category Free Case with the title ”The Acquisition Experiences of KazOil”.

”Writing cases is an extremely rewarding experience. It is very much about creating and telling a story in a most interesting way”, Dana Minbaeva says to The Case Centre.

Read more about the case

Michael Mol, Professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, is behind the case that won the Strategy and General Management category with the title ”Apple and its Suppliers: Corporate Social Responsibility”.

Read more about the case

Read the entire press release from the Case Centre

Facts about Case Centre Awards given to CBS
CBS has won 8 Case Centre Awards since 1998 in the categories:

•    Economics, Politics and Business Environment – 2017
•    Ethics and Social Responsibility – 2017 and 2018
•    Strategy and General Management – 1998 and 2019
•    Free case – 2018 and 2019
•    Outstanding new case writer – 2015

For more information, please contact:
Professor Dana Minbaeva
Professor Michael Mol
Journalist, CBS Communications, Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen

CBS Cases


CBS Cases

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019