Academy of International Business at CBS

Participate in Academy of International Business at CBS. The main headline of the Conference is “International Business in Unsettling Political and Economic Environment”.

Sunday, June 23, 2019 - 09:00 to Thursday, June 27, 2019 - 19:00


is the leading global community of scholars for international business. Established in 1959, today, AIB has 3,400 members in 94 different countries around the world. Members include scholars from the leading global academic institutions as well consultants, researchers, government and NGO representatives. The Academy also has 18 chapters established around the world to facilitate networking as well as the facilitation and exchange of knowledge at a more local level.

The AIB Conference in 2019 is expected to gather around 1,300 delegates from more than 60 countries and the conference will feature 12 scholarly tracks on the following topics:

  • The internationalization process and international entrepreneurship
  • Managing the value chain
  • International marketing
  • Consumer research
  • Global innovation and knowledge management
  • Global strategy, organization and management
  • Global leadership and cross-cultural management
  • International corporate governance and financial management
  • MNE-state relations and international business policy
  • Emerging markets and emerging market MNEs
  • Teaching International Business

The conference also offers a number of specially designed for PhD students doctoral workshops and consortia. Among those are Doctoral Consortium, Young Scholar Career Development Workshop, Research Methods Clinique, Writing Workshops and JIBS Paper Development Workshop. The full program is here.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/20/2021