
Department of Economics

Anne Sophie

Room: POR/16.A-3.56
Anne Sophie

My research is primarily concerned with the mechanisms behind and implications of gender differences in labor market choices.

This means my work is placed within the intersection of labor, family/gender and public economics.

I’m particularly interested in how institutional changes and norms affect gender equality in the labor market and allocation of time to the household.


Primary research areas
  • Labor Economics
  • Family Economics
  • Applied Microeconometrics
Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Anne Sophie Lassen; Ria Ivandic / Parenthood and Academic Career Trajectories
Paper presented at ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024
Paper > peer review
Anne Sophie Lassen; Ria Ivandic / Parenthood and Academic Career Trajectories
In: AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 114, ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024, 5 p., p. 238-242
Conference article in journal > peer review
Anne Sophie Lassen; Ria Ivandic / Fertility and Promotions : Academic Careers of Economists over 40 Years in Denmark.
In: Symposium i anvendt statistik 2023. ed. /Peter Linde. Frederiksberg : Økonomisk Institut. Copenhagen Business School 2023, p. 123
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Ria Ivandic; Anne Sophie Lassen / Gender Gaps From Labor Market Shocks
Kalamazoo, MI : W.E: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research 2023, 59 p. (Upjohn Institute Working Paper, No. 23-387)
Working paper
Ria Ivandic; Anne Sophie Lassen / Gender Gaps from Labor Market Shocks
In: Labour Economics, Vol. 83, 8.2023
Journal article > peer review
Ria Ivandic; Anne Sophie Lassen / Gender Gaps from Labor Market Shocks
London : Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science 2023, 56 p. (CEP Discussion Paper, No. 1944)
Working paper
Anne Sophie Lassen / Gender in the Labor Market
In: Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2023
Journal article
Anne Sophie Lassen / Gender in the Labor Market
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2022, 164 p. (PhD Series, No. 41.2022)
PhD thesis
Serena Canaan; Anne Sophie Lassen; Philip Rosenbaum; Herdis Steingrimsdottir / Maternity Leave and Paternity Leave : Evidence on the Economic Impact of Legislative Changes in High Income Countries.
Bonn : IZA 2022, 50 p. (IZA Discussion Paper, No. 15129)
Working paper > peer review
Serena Canaan; Anne Sophie Lassen; Philip Rosenbaum; Herdis Steingrimsdottir / Maternity Leave and Paternity Leave : Evidence on the Economic Impact of Legislative Changes in High-Income Countries.
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. ed. /Jonathan H. Hamilton; Avinash Dixit; Sebastian Edwards; Kenneth Judd. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022 (Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Economics and Finance)
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
More results... (total 11 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • National Researcher (Denmark) for EIGE (European Institute of Gender Equality) report on ‘Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the COVID-19 recovery’
  • Research dissemination in Dagbladet Information (short columns)