Implementing a four-day workweek without wage cuts

Gain insight into concrete tools and methods, which IIH Nordic made use of when successfully implementing a four-day workweek without wage cuts – a new way of working based on the digital agency’s wish to retain their employees by improving their quality of life.


Implementing a four-day workweek without wage cuts

“The most covered HR project in recent years.” This is how IIH Nordic’s attempt of retaining their employees is described – a challenge, which in 2017 resulted in the implementation of a four-day workweek without wage cuts. With the help of a lot of technology, managerial support, and motivated employees, this working method has resulted in higher employee satisfaction, less sick days, less stress, and last but not least a higher yield.

Two years ago, the digital agency IIH Nordic launched the experiment. The results were so great that today, in 2019, it is no longer an experiment but a way of working – Nordic Life is a reality.

To Henrik Stenmann, who is CEO of IIH Nordic, the initiative is also about quality of life.

“Meaningful work that you are co-determinant of becomes more meaningful. That holds true for both young and more experienced employees. It is also about the fact that stress, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease is reduced when you have three days off in a row.”

In the beginning, the project was primarily an attempt to retain the company’s very sought after employees.

“We are in constant competition and it is no secret that a lot of head-hunters approach our employees. We offer something our employees cannot get anywhere else,” he says.

Of course, it is not a simple procedure to implement such radical changes. There have been quite a few adjustments during the first years but there is no doubt that IIH Nordic will continue this interesting project, for which they have received five workplace awards since they initiated the project.

Henrik will share more about the journey, the challenges, and the rewards at this year’s CBS Business Connect on 9 October. At the event, he will, among other things, talk about the following tools and methods, which IIH Nordic has made use of:

  • Efficient meetings (IIH Nordic has drastically reduced time spent on meetings and improved the quality of the meetings)
  • Focused working hours with the Pomodoro Technique and development of in-house solution for the purpose
  • Focus on faster and smarter learning by using Flash cards, Yammer (communications tool ideal for knowledge sharing) and LMS (Learning Management Systems – online courses and learning)
  • Investment in tools and training in these (e.g. replacement of their HR tool, project management system, time recording system etc.)

Join CBS Business Connect 2019 and contribute to the discussion of how to best implement, steer and not least accept changes in an organisation. 

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The page was last edited by: Alumni // 10/03/2019