Expert lists

CBS' researchers can help you put current issues into perspective. Below is an overview of expert lists made over the years indexed by topic.

Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Elections for the European Parliament (May 2024)

Navigating the rising risk of conflict in Europe (April 2024)

The Middle East conflict (January 2024)

Female experts at CBS (March 2023)

Geopolitical challenges (November 2022)

Parliament election (October 2022)

Cyber security (May 2022)

The war in Ukraine (March 2022)

Earmarked parental leave (Oktober 2021)

The local elections in November (Oktober 2021)

Corona crisis (March 2020)

The German election (September 2019)

Great Britain election and Brexit (September 2019)

Debureaucratisation (September 2019)

Bitcoin and blockchain (August 2019)

How do you create a good start-up business? (July 2019)

Climate and sustainability (May 2019)

Pension (May 2019)

European parliament election (May 2019)

Bank money laundering issues (May 2018)

Trade war: USA and China (March 2018)

Municipal election (in Danish) (November 2017)

The British election (June 2017)

The French election (April 2017)

Revelations of tax havens (April 2016)

EU referendum on the opt-out (November 2015)

EU growth plan - a way to save Europe? (December 2014)


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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/05/2024