More external funding for the Cybersecurity Regulation Project

The recent funding from the HUB enables Professor Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen and research assistant, Mathias Mølgaard Andersen to develop the project further and prepare a large-scale research application for Innovationsfonden (Innovation Fund Denmark) or similar.


Professor Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen has obtained DKK 100.000 from the Danish Cybersecurity HUB for the research project on cybersecurity regulation that Søren and our research assistant, Mathias Mølgaard Andersen, have developed. The funding adds to the initial DKK 150.000 that Søren and Mathias received from the Danish Center for Cybersecurity, and by which they have developed a thorough project description and established a network of cooperation partners. The recent funding from the HUB enables Søren and Mathias to develop the project further and prepare a large-scale research application for Innovationsfonden (Innovation Fund Denmark) or similar.

The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 11/15/2021