Promotional Toolkit for CBS Exchange

CBS International Office has made a collection of material, photos and videos which can be used to promote exchange - to CBS of course!



Fact Sheet

PDF icon Fact sheet 2025-26

Important information about an exchange to CBS

Semester exchange

Incoming students Website for incoming students - all you need to know
Read here for special needs and accessibility
PDF icon Exchange program flyer Promotional flyer for the CBS exchange program

PDF icon Exchange postcards

Promotional postcards
PDF icon Anticipating arrival guide Information for incoming exchange students - BEFORE ARRIVAL
PDF icon Smooth studies guide Information for incoming exchange students - AFTER ARRIVAL
PDF icon CBS Facts and Figures 2024 Official publication with CBS in numbers

CBS Summer University (2, 3 or 6 week program, June - August)

CBS Summer University flyer 2025 Promotional brochure for the CBS Summer University
CBS Summer video Promotional video for the CBS Summer University
CBS Summer University Visit the webpage for our Summer University

CEMS program

PDF icon CEMS Fact Sheet 2024-2025 All you need to know about a CEMS exchange to Copenhagen Business School



Below are three promotional postcards made from our student photo competition (click for bigger photo):

CBS postcard Bikes

CBS postcard Nyhavn

CBS postcard Kayaking

Click here for press photos of CBS buildings and student life


The page was last edited by: The International Office // 11/01/2024