
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship

Room: KIL/14.A-3.79
José Mata

José Mata is the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Professor of Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School. He holds a Doctorate in Business Economics from Minho University. Before joining CBS, José taught at HEC Lausanne, the Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, and at Lisbon University. He also worked for the Bank of Portugal and served as President of the National Statistical Institute of Portugal.

José’s interests center on the dynamics of markets and firms’ strategies. His research, spanning over the areas of Entrepreneurship, Strategy and International Business, has appeared in major international outlets such as the American Economic ReviewJournal of International Business StudiesResearch Policy, or Strategic Management Journal.

Primary research areas
  • Entrepreneurial strategies
  • Immigrant entrepreneurship
  • Growth and survival of firms
  • Transfer and closure of firms
  • Entry strategies in foreign markets
  • Foreign direct investment and divestment
  • University-firm collaborations
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Selected publications
  • “The survival of firms founded by immigrants: institutional distance between home and host country and experience in the host country”, (with Claudia Alves) Strategic Management Journal, 39 (11), 2965 –2991, 2018
  • “Risky Innovation Strategies” (with Martin W¨orter), Research Policy, 42(2), 495 – 501, 2013.
  • “Foreignness and Exit Over the Life Cycle of Firms” (with Ernesto Freitas), Journal of International Business Studies, 43(7), pp. 615–630, 2012.
  • “Founding Conditions and the Survival of New Firms” (with Paul A. Geroski and Pedro Portugal), Strategic Management Journal, 31, 510–529, 2010.
  • “Counterfactual Decomposition of Changes in Wage Distributions Using Quantile Regressions” (with José A. F. Machado), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20, 445–465, 2005.
  • “On the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution: Facts and Theory” (with Lu´ıs Cabral), American Economic Review, 93 (4), 1075–1090, 2003.
  • “The Survival of New Domestic and Foreign Owned Firms” (with Pedro Portugal), Strategic Management Journal, 23 (4), 323-343, 2002.
  • “Closure and Divestiture by Foreign Entrants: The Impact of Entry and Post-Entry Strategies” (with Pedro Portugal), Strategic Management Journal, 21 (5), 549–562, 2000


Publications sorted by:
Emma Lappi; José Mata / Nice Albeit not Necessarily Very Smart : Productivity and the Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability of the Entrepreneur.
Abstract from DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Joshua K. Bedi; José Mata / Pathways to Entrepreneurship : Migration and Citizenship.
Abstract from DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Joshua Kanwar Bedi; José Mata / Pathways to Entrepreneurship : Migration and Citizenship.
In: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. AIB 2023: International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions. . ed. /Kazuhiro Asakawa; Tunga Kiyak. East Lansing, MI : Academy of International Business 2023, 1 p., p. 158 (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Jorma Larimo; Pratik Arte; Carlos Sousa; Pervez N. Ghauri; José Mata / Introduction to the Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry
In: Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence. . ed. /Jorma Larimo; Pratik Arte; Carlos M.P. Sousa; Pervez Ghauri; José Mata. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 1-9 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
Book chapter > peer review
Jorma Larimo (Editor) ; Pratik Arte (Editor) ; Carlos Sousa (Editor) ; Pervez N. Ghauri (Editor) ; José Mata (Editor) / Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry : Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, 395 p. (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
Anthology > peer review
Jorma Larimo; Pratik Arte; Carlos Sousa; Pervez N. Ghauri; José Mata / Taking Stock of Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry : Current Research and Future Directions.
In: Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence. . ed. /Jorma Larimo; Pratik Arte; Carlos M.P. Sousa; Pervez Ghauri; José Mata. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 370-384 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
Book chapter > peer review
José Mata; Paulo Guimarães / Temporary Investment Incentives and Divestment by Foreign Firms
In: Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 71, No. 1, 1.2019, p. 166-186
Journal article > peer review
José Mata; Claudia Alves / The Survival of Firms Founded by Immigrants : Institutional Distance between Home and Host Country, and Experience in the Host Country.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 11, 11.2018, p. 2965-2991
Journal article > peer review
Luís Santos-Pinto; Adrian Bruhin; José Mata; Thomas Åstebro / Detecting Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes with Mixed Gambles
In: Theory and Decision, Vol. 79, No. 4, 12.2015, p. 573–600
Journal article > peer review
Thomas Åstebro; José Mata; Luís Santos-Pinto / Skewness Seeking : Risk Loving, Optimism or Overweighting of Small Probabilities?.
In: Theory and Decision, Vol. 78, No. 2, 2.2015, p. 189-208
Journal article > peer review
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