UN Data

Data and time series from more than 30 statistical databases on a wide range of topics.

UN Data

Data and time series from more than 30 statistical databases on a wide range of topics.

UN Data contents

UN data is a statistical portal, which allows you to search 32 statistical databases simultaneously. From a single-entry point, you can search and download from a variety of statistical resources compiled by United Nations (UN) statistical offices and other international agencies like the World Bank and IMF.

The numerous databases or tables collectively known as "Datamarts" contain over 60 million data points and cover a wide range of statistical themes including agriculture, crime, communication, development assistance, education, energy, environment, finance, gender, health, labour market, manufacturing, national accounts, population and migration, science and technology, tourism, transport and trade. Datamarts:


Under the heading Datamarts, you will find systematic entries to UN Data.

  • Datasets: gives you an overview of the databases and all the datasets within the databases. By clicking the info-icon you can get more information on the content.
  • Sources: an overview of the suppliers of data with a brief description
  • Topics: datasets listed by topic entry


  • An overview of key terms with definitions used in UN Data

Other databases
In addition to Datamarts, the following additional resources are provided as links on the home page:

  • Specialized databases such as UN Comtrade (global trade data), SDG Indicators (data on more than 120 SDG indicators) and MBS (Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online)
  • Popular Statistical Tables: updated tables from the UN Statistical Yearbook.
  • Statistical profiles of countries and regions

Most data are available in time series from 1970 or 1980 to the present. Statistics for some items lag by several years.

Hints from the librarian 

Tree ways to search for data

  1. Keyword search. Enter your search terms in the search bar on top of any page and click "Search". UN Data allows any combination of keywords to search across institutional databases from different sources. The system recognizes countries, years, subject areas and databases and lists matching series drawn from the data warehouse. The search result provides you with the relevant data series, the sources and related links.
  2. Datamarts (Database Explorer). This is an alternative entry point to the keyword search. This does not only provide another approach to finding data but gives a good overview of the data availability by database and shows its hierarchical structure.
  3. Advanced search: go to "More" and "Advanced Search" to make a refined search, which offers options for making searches more precise and getting more useful results.

API search

UN Data API provides access to data within the UN platform.
Link to information about API search


See UN Data FAQ for details on contents and use


UN Data facts

Coverage 1960-
Geography Global
Provider United Nations Statistics Division


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 05/30/2024