
Department of Finance

Teaching Assistant

Presentation and academic fields

Thomas Correll holds a Master in Finance and Accounting (cand. merc. fir) and a Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration (HA almen) from Copenhagen Business School.

Fields of interest include corporate finance, M&A, private equity, valuations, renewable investments.

Professional and/or academic experience

Position at CBS:

• Teaching assistant at CBS since 2015.

Main employment:

• Vice President at Copenhagen Offshore Partners since 2019. Working with Renewable investments with focus on M&A, Business Development, PPAs, Project Financing, Auctions etc.

• Previous employers: Orsted, Maersk, EY Corporate Finance.

Pedagogical experience/method skills/supervision

BSc in Economics and Business Administration:

• Supervising and grading corporate finance projects since 2015


MSc in Finance and Accounting:

• Business Project supervisor since 2022

Master Thesis supervisor since 2019.

External link