
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Christina Plesner
PhD fellow

Room: DH.V.2.15
E-mail: cpv.msc@cbs.dk
Christina Plesner Volkdal

Christina Plesner Volkdal holds a Bachelor in EU-studies from CBS and an MA in International Relations from AU with more than 15-years of practical experience within humanitarian operation working with Disaster Risk Management (DRM). Christina is enrolled at CBS MSC as an industrial PhD funded by the Innovation Fund and employed by an international NGO.

The determinations to achieve Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus by finding synergies between the dimensions have in particularly become central to humanitarian thinking and praxis. The  field of work for humanitarianism has expanded from merely disaster response to cover all areas of the cycle, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. However simultaneously, the ambition is to reduce humanitarian operations through triple nexus accomplishments, which  is considered the overall intended outcome.  The research will take a holistic approach to the triple nexus, with emphasis on the phenomena as assemblies.  This research’s contribution to the literature will examine the integration of the three dimensions and attempt to build a theoretical model for achieving and measuring triple nexus with an abductive analytical approach based on primarily qualitative data;  literature review, document analysis, interviews and further illustrated via case-studies. The case-studies in the three articles will be based on 1) Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Pacific (IPPF), 2) Evaluation of triple nexus global initiatives (UNICEF), Yemen Cash Transfer programme (World Bank) and digitalization via blockchain outlook. The PhD is article based and planned to be defended August 2024. DIIS will be the external research environment, planned for 1st semester 2023. Field work will be performed in Fiji, Indonesia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, India, Nepal and Maldives. 

Primary research areas
  • Humanitarian Intervention
  • Disaster Risk Management
  • Cash Transfers
  • Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus
  • Blockchain
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Publications sorted by:
Christina Plesner Volkdal / A Literature Review on the Triple Nexus Model : Developing a Comprehensive Framework .
In: Journal of Sustainable Development Issues, Vol. 2, No. 2, 20.12.2024, p. 129–162
Review article > peer review
Christina Plesner Volkdal / Strategies for Assessing Triple Nexus Initiatives and Integrating Peace Aspects : Insights from Niger.
Frederiksberg : Centre for Business and Development Studies 2024, 9 p. (Centre for Business and Development Studies. Policy Brief, No. February 2024)
Working paper
Christina Plesner Volkdal / Triple Nexus : Leveraging Development Supply Chains for Humanitarian Aid and Peace in Southeast Asia – a GBV focus.
In: Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 11.12.2024
Journal article > peer review