
Below are descriptions of some of our ongoing projects in the PnO group:

AnthroTax: Tax evasion for market control: Predatory economies in practice (2022-2025)

PnO project participants: Robin Smith, and Karen Boll (host)

The project is a Marie Curie fellowship exploring formal and informal economic practices of debt resolution prevalent in the private business sector of Croatia today. Using the agro-food sector as a case study, Robin Smith will analyze how tax evasion by large corporations impacts small family businesses and shapes local economies.


AI in Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (2023-2024)

PnO project participants: Karen Boll

This pilot project studies the use of AI in the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority. The project will focus on analyses and on providing recommendations concerning the use of AI in inspection of aviation, and on how AI used in aviation can be inspected by the authority.


Organizing collaboration between private companies and public primary and lower secondary education in Denmark

Partner organizations: In collaboration with Naturvidenskabernes Hus, Engineer the Future, Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

PnO project participants: Mathilde Hjerrild Carlsen, Anne Reff Pedersen

The project explores public-private collaborations in primary and lower secondary education within STEM. The project contributes with insights on private actors’ engagement and on how various forms of engagement constitute specific conditions for professional roles and for coordination of the collaboration. The project is an industrial postdoc in partnership with Naturvidenskabernes Hus.


What are we missing? A study of the collective (and contagious) emotional component of work-related stress (project timeframe 2021-2024)

PnO project participants: Marie Arnbak-Hartzberg

This project takes its onset in employees' experience of work-related stress. Instead of treating work-related stress as either an individual or a collective phenomenon, the project works with work-related stress as atmospheric, which helps explain how work-related stress can be felt by all but experienced in deeply personal ways. The project seeks to identify which atmospheric dimensions trigger both stress and coping mechanisms in employees. The research is based on three months of fieldwork in an international engineering project, which involved observations and interviews. Through this research, the ultimate goal is to gain a deeper understanding of work-related stress, which will enable organisational (collective) interventions that consider the emotional dimension of work-related stress, with the aim of improving overall well-being in the workplace.


Police perceptions of and responses to victims of intimate partner violence (project timeframe 2023-2026)

PnO project participants: Linda Nørgaard Madsen

The project examines Danish police officers’ perceptions of intimate partner violence (IPV) and IPV victims, and how these perceptions influence police responses. The project focuses on expectations of victims, perceptions of ‘real’ and ‘not real’ victims and the challenges police officers face when handling IPV cases. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge that can help to understand shortcomings in police responses to IPV. This knowledge is essential for making interventions that improve victims’ experiences with seeking legal help. The research is based on interviews with patrol officers and police detectives and it takes a social constructivist symbolic interactionist perspective. Drawing on theories of identity work in welfare organizations, the project examines the Danish police as a welfare organization not only responsible for providing safety but also care.


The Mundane in the Digital: A qualitative study of social work and vulnerable clients in a digitalized public institution (project timeframe 2020-2023)

PnO project participants: Alexandrina Schmidt

The study investigates the role of mundane technologies in social work with vulnerable clients and in vulnerable clients’ agentic practices with public welfare institutions. The investigation builds on qualitative open-ended interviews with social workers and vulnerable clients of public institutions, namely Danish job centres. The study unfolds through explorations of the role digital tools play in social work with vulnerable clients, vulnerable clients’ identity work in welfare encounters and what happens when the welfare encounter no longer takes place face-to-face but is mediated through mundane technology. It demonstrates that digitalisation should not only be studied through the exotic and new digital advancements but also consider the mundane technologies that produce, reproduce and support our organizational and everyday lives. The study also brings to the foreground the importance of studying both opportunities and consequences of digitalisation and thinking critically about binary either/or conceptions.

The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 01/14/2025