
Department of Management, Society and Communication


Room: DH.Ø.2.06
E-mail: dv.msc@cbs.dk

I am an interdisciplinary researcher with a background in social sciences, development studies (MA in Governance and Development at the Institute of Development Studies), and administration (Ph.D. in Administration at EBAPE/FGV). My research interests are centred on global value chains’ private regulatory initiatives and their interactions with local political economy contexts. I am particularly interested in the interplay of these factors in CSR sustainability initiatives aimed at improving the governance of forests in the global south.

Primary research areas
  • Public & Private Governance
  • Global Value Chains
  • Forests
  • Sustainability
  • CSR
Social media
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Selected publications

Vallim, D., Leichsenring, A. (2022, July 5-9) The dynamics of interaction between global value chains and sub-national institutions: evidence from the beef chain in the Brazilian Amazon [Conference presentation]. 2022 EGOS Colloquium PDW, Vienna, Austria.

Vallim, D., Puppim de Oliveira, J. (2022, September 21-29) Sustainability-in-Chains or Sustainability-through-Chains? A Framework for Global Value Chain Sustainability Research [Conference presentation]. 2022 EnAnpad, Brazil

Vallim D.; Melo, T. (2016) Perspectivas desde Brasil: una primera mirada al proyecto de ferrocarril bioceánico o transamazónico In Caillaux Z. et al (Eds.) Las Relaciones de China con América Latina y el Ferrocarril Bioceánico Brasil-Perú.(pp. 119-147) Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (IDEI) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú https://spda.org.pe/wpfb-file/ferrocarril-bioceanico-pdf/

Vallim, D.; Mugiatti, A. (2015) Brasil - O Caso de Rondônia In Valencia L. (Ed.) Las Rutas del Oro. (pp. 76-143) Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental https://spda.org.pe/wpfb-file/larutadeloro-completo-final-doblecara-pdf/
Publications sorted by:
Diogo Vallim; John James Loomis; Jose Antonio Puppim De Oliveira / Framing Global Value Chains Sustainability Research
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Outside activities

Name of contractual Cappartner

Duration of Activity 

Type of activity

CAPES DINTER/Fundacão Getuliuo Vargas, Brazil Dec. 2020 - Nov. 2023 PhD Co-supervisor DINTER program