
Department of Digitalization


Room: HOW/60-3.16
E-mail: cso.digi@cbs.dk
Carsten Sørensen, professor

Carsten Sørensen holds a BSc in Mathematics, an MSc, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Aalborg University, Denmark, graduating in 1993. Carsten has since 1989 been affiliated with several Danish, Swedish, and British institutions, and LSE since 1999.

He was a visiting teaching fellow at CBS in the early 1990s while employed as a Senior Scientist at Risø National Laboratory in Roskilde, and was an Otto Mønsted Visiting Professor at DIGI in 2016/2017. Dr. Sørensen has multi-decade experience in both the study of the digital transformation of enterprises and the further extension to understand how digital platforms and -infrastructures form the foundation of contemporary business operating and innovation arrangements. His current interests relate to distributed ledger technologies. He convened the first LSE course dedicated to distributed ledger technology — an online certificate course in cryptocurrency disruption and was subsequently instrumental in the LSE becoming a Hedera.com council member. 

Carsten served as a member of the Board of Directors of LSE Enterprise, and he is a Non-Executive Co-Founder and Board Advisor for RedGirraffe.com and MyTaskBar.com. He also in the past served as a member of the Advisory Board for the iSociety project at The Work Foundation and Academic Advisor for The Institute for Innovation & Information Productivity. Carsten has since the late 80s been actively engaged as a consultant and executive educator.  A very small sample of these are; Google, Microsoft, PA Consulting Group, IMF, Orange, Intel, Vodafone, AXA, Mastercard, Gartner, The Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence (a consortium of large organisations), Skype, Telenor, UBS, LloydsGroup, Prudential, The Danish Ministry of Science, EDS, UBS, GEMS, Carphone Warehouse.

Primary research areas

Carsten’s research is published widely, for example in MIS Quarterly, ISR, ISJ, JIT, Information & Organization, The Information Society, CSCW Journal, and the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. He was for a decade Senior Editor for The Information Systems Journal. He has supervised and co-supervised 20 Ph.D. students to completion and acted as an examiner at 32 Ph.D. vivas.

He has published widely within Information Systems since 1989 in, for example, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, and The Information Systems Journal. Carsten has extensive experience as a Principal Investigator on national, EU, and industry research grants in the UK and Sweden. 

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Publications sorted by:
Antti Lyyra; Kari Koskinen; Carsten Sørensen; Tucker Marion / Tethered Architectures in Cyber-physical System Development : The Case of Tesla's Autopilot System.
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
Serafima Osipenko; Carsten Sørensen / Tokens Matter
In: Proceedings of the 43 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). ed. /Tilo Böhmann; Kai-Lung Hui; Viswanath Venkatesh. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2022 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Article in proceedings > peer review
Tuukka Toivonen; Onyaglanu Idoko; Carsten Sørensen / An Invitation to the Unseen World of Networked Creativity : Tracing Idea Journeys Through the New Infrastructures of Work.
In: Collaborative Spaces at Work: Innovation, Creativity and Relations. . ed. /Fabrizio Montanari; Elisa Mattarelli; Anna Chiara Scapolan. Abingdon : Routledge 2021, p. 113-132 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)
Book chapter > peer review
David Tilson; Carsten Sørensen; Kalle Lyytinen / Digitally Induced Industry Paradoxes : Disruptive Innovations of Taxiwork and Music Streaming Beyond Organizational Boundaries.
In: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Learning from Belief and Science, Part A. . ed. /Rebecca Bednarek; Miguel Pina e Cunha; Jonathan Schad; Wendy K. Smith. Vol. 73a, Bingley, UK : Emerald Group Publishing 2021, p. 171-192 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 73a)
Book chapter > peer review
Kimmo Karhu; Robin Gustafsson; Ben Eaton; Ola Henfridsson; Carsten Sørensen / Four Tactics for Implementing a Balanced Digital Platform Strategy
In: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 19, No. 2, 6.2020, p. 105-120
Journal article > peer review
Carsten Sørensen / Mobile Communication in Organizations
In: The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society. ed. /Rich Ling; Leopoldina Fortunati; Gerard Goggin; Sun Sun Lim; Yuling Li. New York : Oxford University Press 2020, p. 305–324 (Oxford Handbooks)
Book chapter > peer review
Fabio Miguel Junges; Amarolinda Zanela Klein; Claudio Reis Gonçalo; Carsten Sørensen / Mobile Work, Mobile Technology : Consequences for Decision-making.
In: International Journal of Management and Decision Making, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2020, p. 66-90
Journal article > peer review
Amarolinda Klein; Carsten Sørensen; Angilberto Sabino de Freitas; Cristiane Drebes Pedron; Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood / Understanding Controversies in Digital Platform Innovation Processes : The Google Glass case.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 152, 3.2020
Journal article > peer review
Lasse Eriksson; Matti Rossi; J.P. Shim; Carsten Sørensen / Business and Research Perspectives of Industrial Internet Applications
In: Regulating Industrial Internet Through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law. ed. /Rosa Maria Ballardini; Petri Kuoppamäki; Olli Pitkänen. Alphen van den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer 2019, p. 23-46
Book chapter > peer review
Mary Lacity; Rajiv Sabherwal; Carsten Sørensen / Special Issue Editorial : Delivering Business Value Through Enterprise Blockchain Applications.
In: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2019, 12 p., p. ix-xix
Editorial > peer review
More results... (total 79 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities


  • Masterclass for board of directors and 100+ middle managers at Velliv.dk
  • Research project in tokenization at Distributed Ledger Science Foundation (DSF)
  • In-person masterclass and online webinars at Mastercard UK, Mastercard EMEA, Mastercard LATAM
  • Executive teaching at DI2X.dk
  • Hedera Council Membership and finishing some supervision at LSE
  • Online webinar for Cognizant at Emeritus.com


  • Visiting professor at Linnaeus University, Sweden