ADMISSION 2024: At CBS you will learn more than business

Just after midnight, 3265 young people have been offered a study place at CBS. In the years to come they will develop a distinct CBS profile that encompasses not only academic competences but also the ability to contribute to innovative solutions to society’s challenges.



A total of 9176 applicants have applied for admission to one of CBS’ 18 bachelor programmes, and 3265 of them have been offered a study place and can look forward to embarking on their CBS journey when the intro courses start in late August. 
"Congratulations to our new students. You can look forward to becoming part of a community extending beyond the traditional syllabus. Clearly, we offer high academic standards, but we also know that business today is more than just baselines. The role of business has changed. It is not only about gaining profits but also about taking responsibility for societal development,” says Peter Møllgaard, President at CBS, and adds: 

“Our students will learn how to assume this role and therefore we prepare them to understand the societal and ethical agendas and to have the capabilities to act on them.”

Peter Møllgaard refers to Nordic Nine – a set of nine transformative capabilities which have been integrated in all CBS’ programmes and developed in collaboration with 3000 people from the business community and the university sector.  

Nordic Nine will enable all CBS graduates to assume responsibility for the development and sustainability of our companies and society
Inger Askehave, Deputy President


”Nordic Nine will enable all CBS graduates to assume responsibility for the development and sustainability of our companies and society and to address some of the big challenges and possibilities we face in a complex future,” explains Inger Askehave, Deputy President at CBS.
So, not only can future students look forward to becoming specialised within their discipline but also to be challenged in ways that enable them to work with complex problems and understand them in a wider context when they encounter difficult challenges such as green transition, AI, politically unstable markets and geopolitical crises. 

”We strive to instil a set of values in our students which give them a distinct profile,” says Peter Møllgaard who on this day feels a mix of emotions:

”I’m truly pleased that we can offer our new students excellent programmes, and I hope that they look forward to times of fun and learning. However, I also sympathise with all the very skilled applicants we have had to reject.” 


Anna Thomasson, Dean of Education at CBS, shares these feelings.

”We know that our graduates are popular in the business community, so the thought of having to reduce the number of study places by another 300 is frustrating,” says Anna Thomasson.

She has a piece of advice for the applicants who just received a rejection letter:

”Think about alternatives. It may feel a bit challenging at the moment, but don’t give up. Give it another go – at CBS next year or someplace else now. In the future, lifelong learning will be integral, allowing us to return to school at various stages of life. So, the degree programme you begin should not decide your access to exciting job opportunities in the future. 

Figures show that CBS received 18,608 applications, which is 9 percent higher than last year. Among them 6,545 applicants have applied for a bachelor programme at CBS as their 1st priority, which is 8 percent higher than last year’s record high.

Read more about studystart at CBS

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/26/2024