Strengthening Supply Chains: Insights for Danish Industry in a Shifting Global Landscape

On October 9th, 2024, Kim Sundtoft Hald, professor (mso) of supply chain management led a vital discussion on supply chain resilience during a seminar hosted by Dansk Industri (DI) and LEMAN in Taulov, Denmark.



The event, titled "Trump or Harris: What Does It Mean for Your Business?" attracted Danish industry leaders interested in exploring how global shifts, particularly in the U.S. and China, could impact their international supply chains. The seminar emphasized the importance of building resilient supply chains that can withstand and recover from unexpected disruptions. In his presentation Hald identified three core elements necessary for robust supply chains: flexibility, transparency, and collaboration. Regular risk assessments, he noted, are crucial for identifying vulnerabilities at all stages, from raw material procurement to end-customer delivery. Hald also shared examples from geopolitical events and real-world cases to illustrate how disruptions can highlight weaknesses and spur improvements. 

In addition to Hald’s insights, the seminar featured contributions from LEMAN's USA and China directors, Henrik Boye Kristensen and Janus Castro Grimnitz, who provided updates on global value chains from their respective regions. They addressed the political factors influencing trade and offered strategic advice for Danish companies navigating the complexities of U.S.-China relations. The event closed with an engaging discussion on how the upcoming U.S. presidential election—whether won by Donald Trump or Kamala Harris—might shape global trade. Mads Fuglede, a political expert, delivered live updates from the U.S. campaign trail, analyzing the potential impact on international commerce and the broader political landscape. 

The Department of Operations Management sees this presentation as a prime example of engaging with society by sharing research that addresses real-world challenges. It connects academic insights on supply chain resilience with industry needs, fostering collaboration and practical solutions. This aligns with the department's mission to advance both research and societal impact

The page was last edited by: Department of Operations Management // 10/10/2024